Caution; {Lemon} A Linked Wet Dream/Premonition of Honeymoon Night Part 24

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In Angel's Basement Bedroom =

Angel : Still asleep cozied up to Alucard who also was asleep with a semi tight embrace around you. Inside your dream realm; The song; Fire meet Gasoline by Sia was playing as Alucard and you danced a rather more intimate version of the Waltz to the song.(Play the Song if you like and imagine you and him dancing) Your hair was pulled up in a high bun wrapped by a medium size braid small blue topaz jewels and tiny red flowers decorated the braid and bun and white veil trimmed in red at the end and tucked neatly under the braid. You wore a beautiful white off the shoulder bell-sleeve, corseted, princess Wedding dress. Trimmed at the waist by a red ribbon. That red silk ribbon dipped in the front in a V shape that had an Alexandrite jewel at the bottom of the V. The red ribbon wrapped around your waist to the back and tied into a bow. The bottom half of the dress was white silk with an embroidered white floral and red trimmed butterflies as the overlay. The flowers had yellow topaz in the center. The butterflies had tiny red rubies inlaid at the body of the insect. The top corseted half was white silk, trimmed in a red silk ribbon. While your sleeves were draped to expose your neck and shoulders fully. They too were white silk with embroidered flowers with his birthstone Yellow Topaz in the center of them. The dress was to represent that Alucard was to lay claim and conquer your body afterwards. "Alucard I am truly grateful yet again you have given me all that I desire. A companion that sees me, just as I see you as you and fully accept all of you." Tears started to fall as you looked up into his lovely ruby eyes.

Alucard : In the same dream scape as you; He was dressed in a fitted black suit white button up undershirt and a red tie with a tie clip inlaid with both his and yours birthstones (Yellow Topaz and Alexandrite) with matching cufflinks. "You look absolutely stunning my queen but why are you crying if this is truly what you desire?"

Angel : "Dragostea mea, Is it okay for me to be this happy? In your eyes do I deserve to be this happy and are you happy?"

Alucard : "Dragostea mea" he spoke as he wiped your tears away. "You have made me happy and yes you deserve to be as happy as you have made me. I find it flattering that I make you this happy and I haven't taken your virginity yet my dear. I am so happy I can hardly wait to ravage you and show you what it means to belong to a Vampire Count."

Angel : Smiling sweetly at him "Alucard I was a princess, now that were married we are a Celestial King and Queen."

Alucard : "You made me a Celestial King and you my Queen. What does the celestial part mean my Queen?"

Angel : "Well do you remember me telling you about the Galactic Federation and my father being the king of said Galactic Federation. We are the next generation of rulers over the Galactic Federation that governs other planets Representatives/Guardians."

Alucard : It took a moment for the realization to dawn on him that you made him the ruler over your jurisdiction of the cosmos. "I'm king of all that is out there in the night sky." Watching you nod your head yes. He couldn't help but kiss you so deeply for so long that when he pulled away you were gasping for air.

Angel : Once he went to kiss you again which you reciprocated passionately and aggressively. You could feel a strange heat pool around your lady parts that it ached for him "I feel funny Alucard , I've never felt my body do that before. It feels like an ache down there but I guess I am just nervous because well I am still learning my body. What it means when I feel that way. I'm glad I only feel that way towards you."

Alucard : Scooping you up bridal style leaving the ballroom off to his room. This time it had a king size four post draped bed with what looked to be a black comforter with red silk sheets that matched the drapes over the bed. Putting you down he circled you like a predator circles its prey. "Undress for your King, slowly My Queen" His voice deep and husky. Watching you closely as to not miss a single detail.

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