The Aftermath 1/ Her Boldness Part 14

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Still Down in Alucards Dungeon of a Room=

Alucard : Looking down at her and reciprocating the affection " You didn't need to shoot off his leg, but you did it in one shot on your first try." I pause to run my hand through her hair soft as the finest silk as always. " Still it was my fight." I held her still a little baffled by her boldness. 'I know she saw me just now and yet she still does not fear me. At least now I sort of know why.' 

Upstairs 3rd floor Hallway=

Walter: Throws Jan against the wall HARD "It's all over boy."

Jan Valentine : "laughs common and kill me then dick."

Walter : "I'm not going to kill you until you tell me who put you up to this. Then I'll put you out of your misery"

Jan Valentine : "You serious you fucking pussy." sir Integra approaches "what up bitch"

Sir Integra : Shoots him twice for good measure "Well have no more of that I'm pissed off enough already"

Jan Valentine : "heheha OW"

Sir Integra : " Who the hell are you people? What did you hope to accomplish here? Who is responsible for this?'

Jan Valentine : Laughing

Sir Integra : "Answer!"

Jan Valentine : "Bitch you know who, the ones who put the fucking chip in me. The chip that's sending them information that we fucked up, they can hear us talking. Every last goddamn word, if they know I'm standing here all fucked up and dying you think there going to let me fucking live." Blue flames engulf Jan. "See I so fucking called it. Well since I'm fucked how bout I drop some wisdom on you dip shits. The ones who sent us beware millennium " 

Sir Integra : "That's it millennium."

Walter : "Are you alright Sir Integra?"

Sir Integra : "Yes I am and as for them please put them out of their misery"

Sir Irons : "Walter you will delay that order." Handing Sir Integra a Long barrel 38 revolver. "The responsibility must fall to their leader, Sir Integra it's your duty."

Walter : "No Sir Irons that's going to far!"

Sir Irons : "This entire situation should have been avoided. Integra your lack of preparation is an offence and since this facility is under your command the responsibility is yours. The fact that these men died and were reanimated as these creatures is entirely your fault."

Walter : "How dare you Sir!"

Sir Integra : "Walter.' extending her arm in front of him. Taking the revolver from Sir Irons walks up to first ghoul "I do not ask for your forgiveness this is my burden." 

Sir Irons : "Walter see what you can find out about this millennium I expect you to work quickly and thoroughly "

Walter : "Yes sir"

Sir Irons : "We will see them pay 1000 fold for this horror."

Later That Night

Little Angel : Once the members of the conference had left Sir Irons, and Sir Penwood left me a welcome gift in my bedroom. Sir Irons left me credit card in my new name (insert your name here)or Melinda Sayse .

( My last name comes from County Kildare, the earliest form of my last name is found in Tenby, Wales 1405. Sayse, from Sias, a Sorbriquet meaning "Saxon". Sorry enough of the history lesson back to the story. whew! ) 

Sir Penwood left me a big box of fine chocolates and a new dress with a note; you will now be known as the Countess of Tenby, Lady Sayse =

Sir Penwood left me a big box of fine chocolates and a new dress with a note; you will now be known as the Countess of Tenby, Lady Sayse =

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