A change in plans/ valentine douche bro's Part 12

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Little Angel: "Walter where is Seras ?" asking as I climbed down from Alucard but still tried to snatch the music box only to comically fail as we started to go towards Seras room.

As if on que before poor Walter could speak.

Seras : "Waaaltter!"

Upstairs in the conference room=

Sir Irons : "Well now the situation must be dire for you to convene a round table conference Am I right sir Integra?"

Sir Integra: "Yes"

Lt. General Walsh: " Civilian reports of vampire attacks on brittish soil have been rising steadily over the past few months."

Bureaucrat 1 :   "We can't keep this quiet for much longer."

Bureaucrat 2 :  "There are limits to the information we can suppress. What's going on Sir Integra?

Sir Integra: "We have been conducting a thorough investigation into the matter and finally we came across our first piece of solid evidence. [ holding up the micro chip] A transmitter perhaps much more we've been finding these microchips embedded within the vampires. These chips seem to relay information regarding the creatures physical and mental states. As well as their movements and altercations."

Sir Penwood : "oh god" 

Sir Integra : "These attacks are not random. There's  someone creating these vampires, controlling them, moving towards some unknown purpose and that's not all It gets worse."

Bureaucrat 3 : "What?"

Sir Penwood : " Please go on"

Sir Integra : "These are different." Lights a cigar and enjoys a puff (lol weed reference) "Traditionally ghouls come from the corpses of deflowered men and women once they've been drained by a vampire but not anymore during these last few instances not one new vampire has been created. Even young boys and girls who are clearly virgins have become ghouls instead. Also the traditional ghouls we've encountered in the past cannot survive without the host vampire but during the Badrick incident Vatican agent Anderson claimed to have destroyed the host vampire well before our arrival. The Host vampire had already been dispatched and the ghouls still walked.

Bureaucrat 4 : "What does it all mean?"

Sir Integra : "We are at war against a conspiracy of vampire experts and they display remarkable skill." another puff "Gentlemen the enemy is just like us"

Down in the basement floor within Seras room

Seras: Walter what the hell is this thing

Walter : "That thing your referring to is a coffin."

Seras : "I know, why is there a coffin in my bedroom?."

Walter : " Oh its on orders from Sir Integra we can't have a vampire who doesn't sleep in a coffin so there you are." he stepped back from her.

Seras : "What have you done with my bed?"

Walter : "I had it Disposed of course." 

Little Angel : Alucard kept fazing in and out toying with me over the music box. "owww" covering my ears dropping to my knees.

Seras: Screams "WHaaaaaAHHIAHH!!!!!"

Walter: "I it makes you feel better the orders were confirmed by Alucard himself." 

Seras : "huh? Master." pause she notices me on her floor covering my ears "Oh my I'm sorry Angel I didn't realize you were here."

Walter : " Yes since your still refusing to drink blood like a proper vampire you will slowly become weaker. You must now sleep in a coffin filled with the soil of your birthplace. This smallest of concessions is the only way to keep up your strength."

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