The Queen and the Objective 2 Part 23

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The Neko Nazi : appeared at the door "Mr. Toblachan's blood must've given us away. The Major sure blew that one."

Heinkel : Drew his guns growling.

Pip : Drew his revolver with blessed ammo Angel gave him.

Angel : Walked over to Integra pulling out a piece of paper from her hand bag that said read me.

Sir Integra : Realized that only Alucard,Angel and her could see the ink. The note read as follows; [He doesn't know that i have coordinates to their hideout because of him. Through bacterial size nano technology My weaponized satalite is armed and ready to fire a mile long tungstone alloy ram rod at their location so "play along." ]  

Shrodinger the neko nazi : "Hold it I'm just the messenger. I'm not here to fight anyone."

Sir Integra : "Explain this."

Walter : "My deepest apologies ma'am I don't know how he got past security."

Shrodinger : Being a smug tart "They are useless against me, I am everywhere and nowhere."

Seras : 'He's only a child what is millennium? and what are they after?'

Shrodinger : Whistles after turning to look over Seras body "hmmm" Staring at her as if it were a contest.

Seras : "Stop it"

Shodiger : "Guten tag"

Seras : "huh" bowing her head "erm" she wispers "guten tag."

Shrodinger : gave her a childlike laugh then turn his atention to the people at the table "To the gathered representatives of the Vatican, Great Britain and the Celestial Jewel. My commanding officer, the glorious major has a messege for all of you. Please attend carefully." He puts a small visual communicator on the table pulls out the remote click clickclick.

Nazi Major: static and fuzzed you can barley hear him its not working shordinger, is something wrong Lt. Shrodinger."

Angel : "I am not sorry your equipment is malfunctioning because of my spiritual frequency." Snickering behind a hand at the flustered neko nazi."It will work once it fully passes through you and that primitive contraption in 3,2,1." speaking with a sickening sweet tone and mischevous smile.

As if on que with her permission the static appeared to roll on the screen then a pop from the little tv comunication box.

Nazi Major : "Right there thats good"

Shodinger : His left eye twitching from Angels comment "Major looks as if you have your hands full" looking at the box showing their ghouls eating one of their own members.

Nazi Major : "No go on, Man it feels as though a wieght has finally been lifted from my shoulders."

Alucard : "Hello Major"

Nazi Major : "Alucard its good to see you again it really has been far to long."

Sir Integra : "What is it that you want?"

Nazi Major : "Oh my if it isnt the Hellsing fraulein herself Sir Integra."

Angel : Growling her words as her emotion of anger reared itself in an orcher color aura. "Answer the question You Fat Bag of SHIT For Parts!"she barked. Eyes glowed orange from fury.

Nazi Major : "Such a mouth on you. Sir Integra your Allies are quite entertaining."

Sir Integra : "What is the purpose of this?What are you trying to acomplish? Answer me!"

Nazi Major : "Of course such silly questions to put it in the simplest possible terms. Fraulien our purpose is the total absense of purpose. You should be aware fraulien since there are some people in this world. Certain irredeemable chaps for whom the means do not require. I speak of course of myself." Snapping his fingers the tied up spy was devoured by his ghouls.

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