Chapter 2

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The first week of having a new neighbor goes surprisingly smooth. He's not a particularly loud neighbor, at least no jazzercise at 6 in the morning so that's good. It's mostly just during the day that I usually hear something from him, but even then it's only because he's still moving in and has a chipper friend helping out that likes to giggle a lot.

I mostly like to steer clear of him and his friend though, mainly because I wasn't exactly keen on introducing myself since my last neighbor was such a nightmare.

Still, I know eventually I'll see him around. The apartment complex is a particularly close one. With only four floors and 35 flats per story everyone knows everyone and whether they're irritating or not, they're there. It's basically like having one big family.

But that doesn't mean I'm in any rush to meet the guy.


The second week I take to notice that my morning routine has been off since the day this no good neighbor moved in. It's not a drastic change, just always a few minutes off and I haven't been 5 minutes early to work in so long, I'm not really sure what it feels like or why I ever did it in the first place.

The second week is also when I catch the slightest glimpse of him. It's just the backside as he's walking into his own apartment. His friend hasn't come around much and I haven't heard him taking out or bringing in any boxes for a few days now so he has to be semi-settled.

He's got blonde hair, wide shoulders and lanky legs. He's definitely tall that's for sure and he wasn't dressed like someone older so he has to be young. If not my age, then probably somewhere around my age.

Still, I don't say anything. I just go about my business and reluctantly head out to the grocery store.


The beginning of the third week I find myself slightly curious about this neighbor of mine. Why hasn't he come introduced himself yet? Isn't he settled yet? Surely he's settled. It's been three weeks. What more could he possibly be needing to get done? What could he possibly be so busy with that he can't stop by for a quick hello. We are living next to each other.

I also have to sign a package for him during the third week. I'm not even sure when he left because I've been home all day and haven't heard so much as a creak.

But alas, I sign for the package anyway and sit with it on my kitchen counter as I stare at it, coming up with a plan of finally introducing myself - since he's apparently not going to. Of course he's not home by the time I get a call from work that they need me in on what is supposed to be my day off.

So, I get ready, eyeing the package every chance I get. And maybe I move out the door slower than usual hoping to catch him on my way out. I don't though. Instead, having to leave it with the boy at the end of the hall - Calum.


A month. It's been a month and still no introduction. Now I've got suspicions. What if he's some crazy drug dealer? What if he's some psycho killer? What if there's someone tied up in his apartment right now as I sit with my legs dangling off the counter? What if he's planning
my attack next?

Of course he'd actually have to know who I am and what I look like in order to do that. Which he doesn't, I think bitterly.

After contemplating actually going over and banging on his door to ask him what the hell his problem was, I figure that'd be a bit much and I should probably not do that...ever.


It's a couple weeks after that, that I finally see him. Actually see him. I'm just walking out of my apartment as he's passing to get to his. The thing is. He's hot. No, he's flipping beautiful. With the bluest eyes I've ever seen, black lip ring set nicely on his plump lip and small little dimple-god, the fucking dimple-as he sends me a halfhearted smile and slightest nod.

It's like in the movies; all slow motion and heart-fluttering and perfect. And so, so, incredibly not long enough. I find myself lost and blinking at his door once it's shut behind him.

I'm not even sure if it'd even happened. If he was even real. Him and his burgundy snapback and tight black jeans with a hole on one of the knees and band tee and shit. Why haven't I introduced myself again?

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