Go Go

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As soon as the announcement came, all hell broke loose. Taehyung squeezed his eyes shut, expecting an attack from creepy masked people at any moment, but was surprised when Hoseok gunned the car like there was no tomorrow. 

"W-what?" He stuttered, Hoseok ignored him. He thought he heard him say,

"There's no laws. No laws equals running red lights." Skillfully weaving in and out of cars, Hoseok tried to get them to Yoongi's house as fast as possible. Taehyung could only grip his small insignificant Xacto knife and silently root for Hoseok and try not to cry.

About a block from Yoongi's house, Hoseok stopped. "What are you d-doing Hobi?!" Taehyung fought the urge to scream. His shaking hands making his coordination unsteady. His eyes darted around seeing mass murder already. There were some people simply robbing banks, but then he saw the machete man from yesterday chasing after a small girl screaming and crying. 

Taehyung tried to call out for her to come over but Hoseok put his hand over his mouth. "Taehyung. This is the Purge. You can't be worried for others. Focus on yourself for once." He said, for once there wasn't a single ounce of lightheartedness in his voice. Taehyung's eyes saddened but he nodded nontheless. 

"Good. Now, stay with me. If I keep driving at that speed, we'll run out of gas. So I'm parking the car here. Yoongi's house is decently sized so we should be safe. Don't worry. Now," He smashed the bottle against the curb. "Run."


"Stay in pairs. DO NOT go ANYWHERE alone. Now be on the lookout for people." Namjoon said, glancing up the stairs of the basement anxiously. 

"Taehyung, Hobi, and Jin's friend aren't back yet..." Jimin whispered, gripping onto Yoongi's hand tightly. Yoongi responding by deftly kissing him to keep him calm.

"I know. We can only wait until they arrive. Quick question: Have any of you made any enemies before this or last year?" Jin asked, Yoongi and Jimin raised their hands.


"Mia. She always tries to hurt Jimin in some way. Whether physically or mentally. She hates him because she doesn't understand the fact that I don't love her." Yoongi said darkly. Jimin looked at him and gave him a nervous smile.

"Alright. Be very careful and-"

"Taehyung has a crazy stalker." Everyone wheeled on Jimin.

"What?!" Jimin looked down.

"TaeTae once got asked out by a a guy named Henry. He rejected him in the nicest way possible, but he didn't like that. He started following us and stalking TaeTae's social media. He even threatened me once." He explained quietly.

"He threatened you?!" Yoongi asked angrily.

"Yoongi calm down. Why?" Namjoon questioned, placing a hand on Yoongi's shoulder.

"Because he's a...psycho. He tried to threaten me because he thought TaeTae and I were dating because we were always together. This was before I knew Yoongi." Jimin explained. Jin turned towards Namjoon.

"We'll just have to be on the lookout for them alright? Everyone get ready."


As Hoseok and Taehyung sprinted across the street, they laid eyes on the chaos all around them. Taehyung glanced behind him and found a teenage person chasing him with a sword. He couldn't tell the gender because they had a ski mask on. Horrified, he quickly ran with Hoseok faster. Not paying attention and trusting that Hoseok knew the way.

As they ran, Yoongi's house finally came within their sight. Taehyung wanted to fall over from exhaustion but adrenaline was still coursing through him. Before he even noticed, he yelped and fell. Sprawled on the ground was Hoseok. who had tripped. He had skinned his knee badly and was cursing. 

"Hobi-" The teen leaped at Taehyung who's eyes widened and he quickly rolled over. His heart felt like it was going to leap out of his chest. Biting back tears, he shakily held up his Xacto knife. His pursuer laughed. The pursuer was male. The man chuckled to himself.

"Aw man. You guys barely even put up a fight. That's no fun. At least I get to kill you now, and I get more blood for my collection!" He grunted as he swung down with all his might onto Taehyung.

"TAE!" Hoseok screamed, trying to get towards him. Taehyung could only assume that this was the end. A small tear leaked out of his eyes as he put his hands over his head, bracing for the pain.

The pain never came. Opening one eye, he looked up and found a man about his age standing with a gun out. Blood was splattered on the concrete, as the man had been shot cleanly through the head. 

"I-you..." Taehyung stammered, looking at his savior. Then his pent up emotions had finally had enough of being suppressed. He let out a small sob, crying on the hard road. 

The mystery man touched Taehyung's shoulder, who flinched. Not because of the contact, but because of how gentle his touch was. Chest heaving with sobs, he accepted the man's hand to help him up. Then he realized.

"Hobi- oh god Hobi are you okay?!" Taehyung quickly ran towards Hoseok who just lay on the ground in shock. Taehyung turned to see who Hoseok was looking at, and then realized his savior was... very handsome. 

"Hi. I'm Jungkook. But you may know me as Jin's friend." He said, extending a hand to help Hoseok up as well. Which he reluctantly accepted. "We should get going. It's not safe here. Let's hurry. You. Help me out to carry him." Taehyung hurried over and put Hoseok's arm over his shoulder as Jungkook did the same to his other arm. With that, they quickly made their way to Yoongi's house.

Bam. Finally some minimal action. I suck really bad at writing scenes like this so probably should've chosen a different book idea. But do I regret it? haha no.

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