Love Triangle, Abbie with Casey and Jake

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Jake's POV

As i sit on the couch with Casey waiting for Abbie to come down so we can all go to the beach together. I'm not so fond on the idea of all three of us going since all me and Casey do is fight over who's going to spend time with Abbie. Then glare at one another when she's not looking.

I was on my phone texting Abbie while she's upstairs so Casey won't get all mad. "Who you texting?" Casey asked me while looking down at his phone. "My mum" I replied back to him. "I know your lying why don't you just tell the truth, your texting Abbie while she's getting ready so I won't find out and get mad." I rolled my eyes at him "Casey how about you just stay out of my business." I said through gritted teeth. "No, you know I like her that's why your doing this. " I got up and stood in front of him. "Did it ever cross that dumb mind of yours that I LIKE HER TOO! Plus you wouldn't treat her right anyway, once we head off on tour again you'll see another girl not even half of what Abbie is and start doing what you do best which is being a player."

"What you say?!" Casey snapped while getting up from his seat. "You heard exactly what I said you don't even deserve a girl like Abbie! " I said getting in his face. "Oh BUT YOU DO! Last time I checked your not so perfect yourself. "

" Guys what's going on?" a delicate voice said once we both turned around there was Abbie. Her green eyes were filled with nothing but confusion. You could feel the tension between me and Casey at this very moment and something tells me that she wants to know why.

"Casey" Abbie says looking over at him "what's going on? " "Jake lied and was calling me names." Gosh how he sounded like a 5 year old at that very moment. " that true? " "I did call him names but I did lie but I only lied so I can talk to you." One of her eyebrows rose up. "Why do you-"

"Because I like you..." Casey mumbled to her. "Wait what?" "I LIKE YOU" Casey yelled. Abbie jumped a bit from his harsh tone but shock was the most evident thing about her. "DON'T YELL AT HER!" I snapped at him.

"SHUT UP I WOULDN'T HAVE TO YELL IF YOU JUST BUT OUT!" "YOU KNOW WHAT-" I said before I was cut off. "Both of you stop it!" Abbie yelled. We both looked at her, guilt filling in me.

"Abbie I like you, OK I really do." Casey said making his way towards her. She took a step back. "Abbie..." Casey said taking her hand and bringing her close to him. I felt jealousy consume at that very moment. "You know what, he may say he likes you all he wants Abbie, but I, I love you." I meant that to but the fear of her rejection sent me to head to the back yard.

Couple minutes later I felt a presence next to me. I didn't bother to look up as the tears I've been holding in spill out of me. I guess it's true what people say, love does hurt...

"Jake you alright? " Abbie asked me. I didn't respond. "Jake" I looked up at her not caring if she notice me crying. "Go back inside with Casey...and go to the beach by yourselves. " I say to her. "I can't do that.." she said quietly. "Why is that?" I asked her. "I told him to go home.." I looked over at her in complete shock. "But why?" "Because I don't love him, I love you." A smile formed on her face as her cheeks turned a bright red. I immediately cupped her face in my hand and kissed her. She kissed me back immediately causing me to smile into our kiss.

"I love you too."

* I hope you enjoyed it Abbie, sorry for any mistakes made.*

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