First fight (Casey)

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"Where do you think your going?!" Casey yelled as you walked to your shared room. "Answer me when I'm talking to you!" He snapped.

"I'm leaving I'm packing my bags and going to Barclay's house since you don't want me here."

"Why Barclay is that who you have been seeing behind my back?" Your eyes went wide "you think I'm cheating on you don't you?!" You said."Yes I do..."

"How could you think I'm cheating on you espically with one of your friends! Do you not trust me Casey?!" You yelled you just couldn't believe this. He stayed quiet. "Of course" you grabbed your bag and ran off to Barclay's house about 5 blocks away. You knock and Barclay immediately opened the door. "He-llo...y/n what's wrong?!" You ran into Barclay's arms letting all your tears out.."C...Casey... " you barely say through the tears. "Hey its ok don't cry, you can stay here as long as you want." " Thank you Barclay."

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