First Fight (Chris)

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Chris: You didn't understand this feeling you had deep down inside you. You thought it was depression, you were wrong. You thought it was just your period but that couldn't be since you missed it. That's when you realized you were pregnant. "Y/n you alright?" Chris asked sitting next to you on the bed. You scooted away from him earning you concern looks from him. "Baby girl you alright" he asked you again. You knew what you had to do even if it required breaking his heart you had to end it. You couldn't ruin his career his life.

You would have to do this alone. "Baby" he said taking you into his arms. "You can tell me..I'm here and always will be." You felt tears sting in the back of your eyes because you knew that wasn't going to be true. "Babe?" You got up and pushed his arms off you and began to walk away. "Did I do something wrong?!" He asked you when you entered the closet downstairs and took out a luggage. "No no no what are you doing?!" He asked in a panicked once he seen the empty luggage bag opened. "Chris I'm sorry but I have to go." You stuttered out holding back all your tears. "No you don't have to go!" He yelled tears swelling in his eyes.

You walked passed him and into your shared bedroom. You grabbed all your belongings bit by bit while being stopped a couple of times by Chris but you would just push past him. You headed towards the door but Chris quickly covered it. "Chris move" you begged. Chris shook his head no, the tears he held for so long came down his cheeks streaming slowly causing more pain in your chest.

"Chris-" "Why?!" He snapped out. You stood there a while before you said something you thought would never come out of your mouth. " I don't love you no more" you said finally being able to brush past him. You opened the door and walked off but not until you turned to see Chris standing there with his back turned. You heard him crying and soon enough slamming the door so hard that it caused some of the neighbors to show up to see what was the matter. You hurt yourself but worst of all you hurt Chris and for that you will never forgive yourself.

HAPPY NEW YEARS!!!!!!!! I hope you had a fantastic 2014!

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