𝗨𝗻𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗳𝗼𝗿𝘁𝗮𝗯𝗹𝗲 (𝗗𝘂𝗳𝗳 𝗠𝗰𝗸𝗮𝗴𝗮𝗻)

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Just a heads up this one will be platonic, it will seem like it's going somewhere towards the end but this is not the case

Seattle, Washington 1983

When you do what I do, you get fed up real easily. See I'm what you call a people pleaser, I try my damnest to make everyone happy and content, but what do I get ? Not a single thing but regret and misery. Sure here and there it's all fun and lavish but after awhile when the public eye wants more it's tiring

"Y/n why aren't you dressed babydoll, we gotta be outta here in 20 minutes" my stepmom struts in with this scowl on her face, believe it or not we go together like two peas in a pod. Feel that, sarcasm at its finest we tolerate each other for my dads sake, she's not entirely the evil stepmom like Disney put them out to be but she can be a pain in ass time to time

Rolling my eyes I grudgingly get up from my laying figure off the floor examining the dress she expects me to wear for this dinner we have to attend. Some new friends they made I don't know could care less just more snub puppets in the pageant world. I just hope she doesn't force me to become friends with their children

"Why the long face ? Honey your dad and I are doing this for you isn't this what you wanted" placing the dress and shoes on my bed she stands before me examining my face

"When I was 5, I grew out of that phase less than 3 years ago. I'm 17 now you know time for the baby bird to leave the nest"

"Well don't worry we'll talk about that over dinner now get dressed c'mon please hurry we can't be late" leaving me to it she scurries out closing the door. Looking down at the dress I mentally prepare myself for this evening

The whole car ride my dad was going on and on bout this dinner, I don't know what the big deal was whoever these people are they're stressing my dad out which is irritating me more. Once we finally get there I see a lady and two boys obviously her kids but I have no right to assume

"Marie glad you could make it, I'm so sorry we're late" this lady seems too sweet and innocent to be hugging let alone be friends with my stepmom, something isn't right. After they do their greetings we all sit down ordering and making small talk. Well they do I just sit quietly minding my own business until I hear my name

"Y/n, manners please we raised you better" my dad looks to me with a stern voice while motioning around the table

"Sorry, nice to meet you Marie" mumbling with a fake smile

"It's okay, these are my eldest sons Bruce and Michael" gesturing to the quiet ones who just wave

Just as the waiter brought us our drinks they take the menus with our order. As I was drinking from my glass my stepmom decides to speaks up

"Marie and I were discussing sweetie about how we'll be taking her sons with us to California"

Not comprehending what she says I choke on my water, finally catching my breath after a few seconds "I'm sorry what ? We're moving why"

"Well seeing as you'll have a better opportunity to grow, and the boys want to work on finding a career out there we thought it was best" my dad finally pipes up

"I'm sorry I have to ask do you really trust us to get your sons to California, no disrespect to you or anything but where will they stay"

"They'll be staying with us until they find a place, no rush they have all the time they need. And yes y/n they're in good hands I raised you since you were a baby" laughing at my displeasing demeanor

"Correction you swooped in and married my dad, you pretty much had no choice but help raise me" mumbling under my breath

"That's enough y/n show some respect I couldn't do it on my own, be grateful Sara took up the motherly role"

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