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Apartment 105.

It's been a long time coming but it was finally going up for rent. Of course with how small and not-so-new the complex was there was hardly any chance of anyone taking it any time soon. Which, for me, meant having my small portion of the hall all to myself.

It meant no nosey neighbor constantly peeking out to see who I had coming in, no noisy neighbor who had a strange love for jazzercise at 6 in the morning, no neighbor who was incredibly there with pies, mail, caseroles, invitations, questions, and just about anything and everything else.

It was a nice feeling. A relieved feeling really. Watching as the last box is taken from apartment 105 and the door is being shut and locked behind the odd neighbor that I was actually sort of going to miss.

Here's hoping that it stays empty as long as possible.

Apartment 105Where stories live. Discover now