Part TwentyTwo: Movie Night

Start from the beginning

"Happy birthday pops, I'm glad you like it." Quincy said, while Rico ran out to go find his boyfriend before the movie started.

Quincy looked at his dad's face, even though the man was smiling there was a hint of sadness behind it.
He smiled as he looked behind his dad, to find that his birthday present just arrived, he couldn't figure out what to get pops so he'd decided not to buy anything at all. Instead he'd begged for one. So to speak.

"Happy birthday Ty." Spencer Jackson said from behind Tyrone, causing him to turn around in lightning speed. Spencer had Qani in his arms, and they both had huge goofy grins on their faces. The little boy however was smiling at his dad.

"Hey." Ty replied eventually, smiling. "You're here. I mean, I'm glad you're here." Ty added, kissing his guest on the cheek.

Quincy watched them sadly as they smiled at each other like teenagers. What he was witnessing were two people who truly loved and ached for each other, and it hurt him to see his dad deprived of such love.

He knew all too well how empty a person could feel without the one they loved, he had a Sebby shaped hole in his heart to prove it.

Quincy finally took his excited son from Spencer and went to find a seat at the back, the movie was starting in 40 minuets.


About an hour later the hall was filled with everyone that was invited, well everyone except Sebby, and Q kept looking at the door in anticipation of his arrival.

Pops and Spencer now had Qani with them down in the front, but the baby had headphones on.

Sabrina and her boyfriend where two rolls behind them.

Rico and Ring sat two rolls down from the top, which was were Quincy was, all by himself.

He tried to call Sebby and it went straight to voicemail, he was officially worried now.

Or maybe Sebby didn't want to come, after all they weren't together anymore, he didn't have any obligation to attend Quincy's father's shindig. But Q was really hoping to talk to him about everything that happened that led to their breakup, now that he'd finally gotten the go ahead.

Quincy hissed for the thousand time, then got on his feet. If Sebby wasn't coming, he needed to hear it from the male himself.

As soon as he took the first step, he saw Sebby climbing the steps to the back.

Now his prayer was for Sebby to walk all the way to the back, where he was.
God was listening to his plea because not only did Sebby walk past everyone and got to his roll, he sat right next to Quincy. "Hi." Sebby said.

Quincy studied him, "You aight? You look tired, and sick." He said in response.

"Wow! Thank you for that glowing endorsement." Sebby muttered dryly.

Quincy rolled his eyes. "You know what I mean."

"Yeah I'm good, just... um...nothing I'm good. Just tired."

Quincy gave him a curious look, he looked flustered, and his pale skin was starting to turn red. He decided to ignore it, and handed Sebby a bowl of popcorn he'd kept for him.

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