v- demons and dementors

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          demons and dementors...

𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐕:          demons and dementors

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... september 5, 1993

𝐃𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐎 𝐃𝐈𝐃𝐍'𝐓 𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐖 up until breakfast on friday. he came swaggering in, clutching his arm. the entire gryffindor table rolled their eyes. everyone at the slytherin table were all swarming around him, asking if it hurt. 

nova snorted, as she watched draco surrounded by his fellow house mates. "you should've seen his scratch. it was like two inches long," nova commented, still chewing on her plain bowl of oatmeal.

everyone nodded vigorously.

harry furrows his eyebrows. "wait, how'd you see his scratch?" he questioned. "he was in care of magical creatures at the time."

nova just simply shrugged her shoulders, still focusing back down on her oatmeal. "i went down to madame pomfrey's," she says nonchalantly. 

"you went to madame pomferey's for what?"

"i got a splinter."

"you went to madame pomferey's for a splinter?" harry asked with disbelief laced in his voice, his eyebrows raised high.

"oh it wasn't just a splinter!" ginny exclaimed. "there was blood everywhere that nova didn't see. the 'little piece' of wood," she used her fingers as air quotes, "was this big!" she exclaimed holding out her forefinger and thumb to show harry the size. "it was this thick!" she continued, shaking her hand for everyone to see.

nova just shrugged. 

"but your hand is fine?" harry observed looking at her left hand that was indeed holding a spoon just fine. 

nova lifted her bandaged right hand from under the table and placed it next to her bowl. "wrong hand. i'm left handed and the 'splinter' was in my right hand," she says cheekily. 

"ouch," harry grimaces.

"harry, you've faced potential death twice already. don't tell me that this hurts," nova said rolling her eyes. 

"just looking out for a friend," harry says with a small smile. 

nova's face began heating up. she just shook her head and gave harry a small smile. "take care of yourself first, alright? then worry about me," she says softly.

"but i'm fine?" harry asks confused. 

nova rolls her eyes. she whacked his head. "you're so dumb sometimes," she fires with a small smile on her face. 

harry sits there with a frown.

"what was that for?" harry asks even more confused, rubbing the side of his head.

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