Chapter Six

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Madelyn walked on next to Caspian. She noticed how much respect everyone there had for the Pevensie siblings. Although it wasn't just respect. There was also shock and hope. They entered the fortress, which Caspian told Madelyn was called Aslan's How, and walked on into a room where the many different creatures were working on weapons. Caspian gave Madelyn a small smile before he moved forward to stand next to Peter

"It may not be what you are used to, but it is defensible."

Madelyn walked on, following Susan further in.

"Peter, you may want to see this." Peter walked towards Madelyn and Susan, followed by Edmund. Madelyn and Edmund fell into step next to each other, without a second thought. They all walked along a tunnel that had images carved out on the walls. Madelyn looked at them in confusion, wondering who the drawings her of. She looked at Edmund to see if he was confused, but from the way he studied the carvings, it was clear he recognized the people in them. Edmund looked over, seeing the confusion etched onto Madelyn's face.

He whispered to Madelyn. "That's us." Madelyn nodded in realization.

"This is incredible." Madelyn was once again, in awe.

Susan repeated what Edmund said. "It's us."

"What is this place?" Lucy looked at Caspian for an answer. He looked a little surprised that they didn't recognize it.

"You don't know?" Caspian grabbed a torch, leading them further into the tunnel leading to a large, dark room. Caspian lit a pit on fire, illuminating the entire room. The entire room was filled with these beautiful carvings with one of a lion- Aslan- in the middle. In front of them, there was a large stone table, cracked down the middle. Madelyn looked at Edmund and they shared a look. All Madelyn could do was stare at the room with her eyebrows drawn together.

Lucy walked forwards towards the table and put her hand on it before turning around to the rest of them with a look of determination.

"He must know what he's doing." Lucy looked desperate. She really wanted to see Aslan and at this point, so did Madelyn. Peter clenched his jaw and looked at them.

"I think it's up to us now." There was an unreadable expression on his face that Madelyn couldn't figure out no matter how hard she tried.


Madelyn was sitting at the edge of a river with her knees were pulled up to her chest and her chin rested on her knees. For the first time since she'd been here, she felt completely relaxed. Madelyn and the Pevensie siblings had arrived at Aslan's How a few hours ago and she'd been sitting by the river alone for an hour now. Everyone else was back in the How, but it didn't bother her. She didn't mind being alone.

This was the first time she'd just gotten to sit down and think about everything. It felt nice. Madelyn closed her eyes and just sat there.

Madelyn felt a hand on her shoulder where she was hurt, making her flinch and pain flashed across her eyes. She turned around feeling a little surprised to see Caspian who sat down next to her.

"I'm sorry, did I hurt you?" He studied her face with a hint of worry.

"No, I'm fine, I just got hurt there a little while ago, it's no big deal." She smiled at him.

"So, Lady Madelyn, what're you doing here all alone?" Madelyn's nose crinkled as she laughed lightly. The word Lady in front of her name felt odd and foreign.

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