Chapter Two

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Susan started explaining everything to her

"Basically, this is Narnia-" Susan started but was quickly cut off by Peter, earning him a glare from Susan and a giggle from Lucy. And again, Edmund just held his expressionless face, which at this point was nothing new. Madelyn was used to it by now.

The group had started moving through the forest now. Trumpkin had suggested it since there was no point in standing there and wasting time. It was probably better to start moving.

"She already knows that part. You're bad at this. My turn. The thing is, we first came here about a year ago. A lot happened the last time we came here, but what you need to know to understand this is that time is different here than it is in London. The last time we came here, we stayed around 15 years, although when we went back to London, it had barely been any time." Madelyn's eyebrows furrowed. She understood it, it was just hard to believe.

"In our time here last time, we saved Narnia from this woman: The White Witch- and long story short, we ended up ruling Narnia for 15 years. We were the Kings and Queens of the old. When we got back to London, we returned to the age we were before we entered Narnia. After we got back, we stayed in London for a year and we just got back here today a little while ago. The thing is when we got back here, we realized that we'd been in England for about 1,300 Narnian years." Madelyn looked at him with her mouth open, a little confused.

"So you guys just choose to come here whenever you want?"

Lucy shook her head. "No, in Narnia, you are called when you're needed; you don't choose." Madelyn nodded slowly.

"Wow, that was a lot. But I think I've got it. Thank you for trying to help me." She smiled at them, avoiding Edmund's gaze. She was grateful that she'd found them as she didn't know what she would've done here all alone.


The group was currently walking through the forest. Before they left the beach, Susan had given Madelyn a light blue and white dress of hers from a chest in a place they had called Cair Paravel. Apparently, they lived in Cair Paravel back when they ruled Narnia. The dress fit her just right, although it was a little uncomfortable as Madelyn wasn't used to wearing such dresses. Madelyn had never been one for dresses, although she didn't really have much of a choice here. She was previously walking beside Lucy, but at some point, Madelyn had gotten distracted and didn't realize that she's slowed down and fallen back a little. When she finally looked up and to her side, she saw Edmund.

Edmund raised an eyebrow at her. She looked up at him, with an annoyed look on her face. Susan and Peter were arguing about where the group was going in the back, but Madelyn ignored the argument.

"I mean, I know I'm good looking, but if you keep staring, it's going to get weird real quick." Edmund had a smirk on his face and although it was better than the constant glare he had, it still wasn't a warm smile like the rest of the siblings had given her. Madelyn's cheeks heated up.

"Someone has a big ego. And anyway, what is your problem with me?" She raised an eyebrow at him, not wanting to show that he bothered her in the slightest.

"I don't know what you're talking about." The smirk didn't leave his face. He knew he was bothering her.

"You don't like me. I'm not dumb, I can read expressions. Honestly, I could care less what you think of me, but I just don't get why. I literally just met you. I haven't even gotten the chance to make you hate me yet." She refused to back down this time. He raised an amused eyebrow at her.

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