Chapter Thirty-Four

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AN: Hey guys, so I posted this chapter yesterday, but like I said yesterday, it wasn't just right and I still had to go back and edit it. For anyone who already read it before, it's still the same chapter so it's not like you have to go back and reread it. All I did was clean it up and try to be more descriptive of what was going on in everyone's mind during this chapter so all it does is give more insight into everything. I also just realized how extremely long this chapter is. I know I got carried away. Another thing that I want to say is thank you so much for all the votes and comments. I really didn't expect all this and it literally makes my day. Thank you so much and I hope everyone reading this has an incredible day!

It seemed that the more she thought about it, the more confused Madelyn found herself. She constantly found herself wishing it was all a dream. Everything would be a lot easier if it was. She wouldn't constantly feel like she was disappointing every single person she talked to.

Considering the fact that everyone knew her, you would think that she would feel... normal. The thing was, however, she had never felt more lonely in her life. It was as if she didn't even know herself anymore. Madelyn wanted to scream, but there wasn't any point. She felt like she was slowly suffocating and nobody around her saw it. Even she couldn't save herself.

Part of her thought that she should just hole up in the dark room she'd woken up in so that she wouldn't feel guilty every time she looked at Edmund, Caspian, or Lucy. It wasn't that they did or said anything to make her feel that way, but she couldn't help feeling like that every time she looked at them.

Every time she said anything to them, she could see a spark of hope that she might've remembered. Once she started speaking though, the spark went away as they realized that nothing had changed.

Lucy had been trying the most. It seemed that the girl never lost hope and every word from Madelyn's mouth only made her more determined, which Madelyn appreciated.

Caspian, although not the same as Lucy, didn't treat her any different then he would have even if she had her memories. In fact, to some extent, when she was with Caspian, she really felt like she had a brother.

Then there was Edmund. Edmund quite honestly made Madelyn want to scream out in frustration. He looked at her with despair that Madelyn could never quite place, yet at the same time, she found herself wanting to spend the most time with him. It seemed that no matter how much she tried, she couldn't figure out what was going on in his head. His eyes were guarded, but one thing she could make out was that there was something that he was keeping from her.

Though she wanted to hide from her problems, Madelyn knew that it wouldn't do her any good. In fact, that would be just about the worst thing that she could do. If she wanted to remember, her best bet would be to go out and live the life that was supposedly hers. She had to be the Madelyn that was technically no longer in existence.

Madelyn found herself standing next to Lucy. Although Madelyn had only met the girl a few hours ago, it felt like it had been years. Lucy was the type of girl that could become your best friend in a matter of seconds. Lucy had started up a conversation about the rest of her siblings who, apparently, Madelyn knew.

"She's in America with our parents," said Lucy, speaking of her older sister, Susan.

"How come she and Peter aren't here?" Lucy had told Madelyn just about everything she could regarding Susan and Peter as well as their last visit to Narnia. She'd told her so much, that Madelyn felt as if she knew them- which she did.

"Aslan said that they've learned everything they can from Narnia and that it was time for them to stay in our world." Said Lucy with a small, reminiscent smile. The young queen had also told Madelyn of Aslan. The stories of Aslan immediately reminded Madelyn of the lion that she saw in her dreams but she chose to keep that small detail to herself.

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