Chapter Three

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Madelyn was walking beside Peter, followed by the rest of the group except Edmund who was walking just next to them, close enough to hear what they were saying.

"So you lived in Finchley?" Peter looked down at her. So far, he hadn't talked to her much, and considering they were just walking, this seemed like a good time.

"Yeah, all my life, actually. You guys lived there too, huh?" The thought of Finchley made Madelyn sick. It's not that it was a terrible place, but she just didn't like thinking of it.

"Yes, so you lived there with your parents?" Madelyn tensed a little, freezing for a split second before she realized what she was doingand forced herself to regain her composure.

"Um, yeah." She wasn't technically lying. Peter nodded, not catching the small change in her attitude. Although Peter didn't catch it, his younger brother had caught it. Edmund saw her tense a little before covering it up quickly. He was curious about it but knew that it was definitely too soon to talk to her about it. She didn't even seem to like him and they'd barely just met. He didn't want to intrude.


After a little, they neared a clearing where there seemed to be an entire army. Madelyn's eyes widened slightly, never having seen such a thing before. The massive army crowded the shore. There were large weapons such as canons and catapults peppered through the army. The six of them hid behind a few logs on the far left side so they wouldn't be seen.

"Telmarines." Trumpkin said this under his breath, but Madelyn heard him. On the walk over, she'd learned about what was going on in Narnia. She'd been told by Lucy that they were trying to find a man with the name of Prince Caspian who had supposedly been the one to call the Pevensies to Narnia. Why Madelyn was here though, she had no clue.

The army was cutting down all the trees in the forest and they'd already cut down a large amount. The six of them watched for a little while, trying to listen in on the Telmarines as much as they could. The Telmarines were making weapons. Even Madelyn- who'd never seen weapons like that in all her life in England- could tell how threatening these weapons were. After a couple of minutes of watching, they got up and sneaked back away from the army, careful not to be seen. They walked back up to the cliff where Lucy and Madelyn had previously seen Aslan.

"So where exactly do you two think you last saw Aslan?" Peter still didn't believe them. The way he put it, it felt a bit like he was belittling them.

"I wish you'd all stop trying to sound like grown-ups. I don't think I saw him. I did see him and so did Madelyn." Madelyn nodded, agreeing with Lucy.

You go Lu!

"I am a grown-up." Trumpkin muttered, making Madelyn let out a small laugh.

Lucy walked forward a little.

"It was right over-" Lucy was cut off when the ground beneath her gave away and she fell. Lucy let out a scream and the rest of them rushed forward. Madelyn's eyes widened as she ran to see Lucy.

"Lucy!" They all screamed. Luckily, underneath where the ground had given away, there was rock stopping her. Madelyn let out a breath of relief.

The ground that had given away, created a new path. They all followed to where Lucy had fallen and walked across the new path that Lucy had found. It was a narrow path that they had to be quite careful walking past.

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