Chapter Five

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Madelyn woke with a start, sucking in a breath. Her hair was a matted mess and her hands were balled into fists so tight that her knuckles had turned white. A few tears were running down her face. Madelyn reaches up and wiped the tears off her face.

It was a dream.

Madelyn looked around and saw everyone still asleep. Everyone except Lucy, who was sitting up staring at Madelyn with worry in her eyes.

"Maddy, are you okay?" She whispered this. Madelyn nodded slowly, putting on a convincing smile. A grin replaced the worried expression on Lucy's face and she shifted a little, getting ready to stand up.

"Come on, I think I heard something." Lucy got up and started walking. Madelyn blinked in confusion before she sat up.

"Lucy!" Madelyn hurriedly got up and ran after Lucy, trying to keep quiet and not wake the others. She almost stepped on Edmund's hand on the way behind Lucy and narrowly missed it.

Lucy stopped next to a tree and touched it with longing in her eyes.

"Wake up." Madelyn gave her a quizzical look. Lucy had a pained expression on her face and Madelyn instantly wanted to make her feel better. In the small time she'd known Lucy, she'd grown attached to Lucy. She was the sweetest girl Madelyn had ever met. She patted Lucy's back lightly.

Lucy and Madelyn walked on a little past the tree further away from their campsite until they heard a soft growl.

Madelyn felt a little fear from the ground. Although Lucy had a different idea when she heard the growl.

"Aslan?" Lucy's face lit up with hope and she sped up. Madelyn followed her, trying to pull Lucy back.

That's when a hand wrapped around Madelyn's waist, pulling her back down behind a huge boulder. Another hand covered Lucy's mouth pulling her almond with Madelyn. Madelyn let out a small scream but it was muffled when a hand covered her mouth. She struggled to get away, but then relaxed when she saw whose hand was covering her mouth. It was from Peter.

Peter held his index finger up to his mouth telling the two of them to be quiet. The three of them slowly looked out from behind the boulder they were behind. When she saw the source of the growl, Madelyn's eyes widened. She glanced back at Peter, who looked back at her, with his eyebrows together. The creature was unlike anything she'd seen before. It had horns, was walking on his hind legs, and his arms were carrying a weapon.

A minotaur?

Lucy had described one to her the previous day. From what she knew about one so far, this was a minotaur. Peter motioned at the two girls to stay in their spot before drawing his sword and silently advancing.

Seemingly out of nowhere, and the figure jumped out. He swung his sword at Peter who skillfully blocked it. Madelyn drew her own sword and was about to try to help him. Sure, she'd only used a sword once before, but she couldn't just stand there. She had to help Peter. That's when Lucy get up and put her hand on Madelyn's shoulder, stopping her.

"No! Stop!" Madelyn stopped and so did Peter and the man.

They had dark brown hair and a handsome face. He was a lot taller than Madelyn and also had a few inches on Peter. He looked around at Madelyn, Lucy, and Peter with a crease in his forehead, showing his confusion.

More creatures- centaurs, minotaurs, fawns, and dwarves- emerged from the bushes. Madelyn's eyes widened as she looked at them. This was one thing she never thought she'd see.

The man still held his sword up at Peter and Peter's eyes flickered over the man with a hint of recognition on his face.

"Prince Caspian?" Madelyn looked back over the man, wondering if he was really the prince that they'd been looking for.

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