A Banned Prank

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After visiting the Hog's Head, Lana and the others spoke to Bilton Blimes, owner of Zonko's Joke Shop. They wanted to know if he had any ideas of a good prank that would impress Peeves, and he suggested a 'banned prank'.

Nobody had any ideas, but Lana knew that Jae would be able to help.

She made her way to the kitchens, as she had detention, so she'd speak to Jae then. When she entered the doors, she noticed all the House-Elves stop what they were doing and look in her direction.

"Um...are the House-Elves looking at me?" she mumbled to Jae.

"It's your first time here since you started that food fight. They wanna see what happens with Pitts." he told her, an amused smirk making its way across his face.

"Oh, god. What does everyone think will happen with Pitts?" the girl worried.

"Lana Riviera, don't touch the food!" Pitts yelled, walking across the table next to her and Jae, "Lana Riviera can't throw food if Lana Riviera can't touch food!"

"But what will I do during detention if I can't make sandwiches?" Lana questioned.

"Scrub pots and pans! Jae Kim will scrub pots, too!"

"So, what's the latest on your 'mischief masterpiece'? Did you invent a spell yet?" Jae asked her as they walked over to the sinks.

"Yep! A Star Shower Spell. But now I need to find a banned prank that will get everyone outside to see it..." she explained.

"How do you feel about pulling off a prank that's banned?"

"I mean, I'll do whatever I need to break the portrait curse, but I don't wanna do anything illegal. I just wish I knew more about this sort of thing." she chuckled, "Can I count on your help, Jae? I don't know where to start."

"I do!" he grinned, "You wash, I'll dry. Let's talk about these banned pranks." he said excitedly.

After a while of scrubbing and drying, detention was finally nearing an end.

"Now that we've talked about it, can you think of a banned prank that would make lots of people inside go outside?" Lana asked the boy.

"How much do you know about Ever-Bashing Boomerangs?"

"Not much, but can't you get them in the store?"

"Yes, but not the jinxed Ever-Bashing Boomerangs. They're charmed with a spell that makes them whiz around dangerously fast when you throw them." Jae said, "That's why so many places ban them. But a few jinxed boomerangs whizzing around inside would definitely have people rushing outside."

"And you know how to get them?" the girl asked excitedly.

"No, but I know someone who can get them. And it's someone you've met, too. Lemme see if I can get him to meet you at The Three Broomsticks..."

It was getting quite late, so Lana said goodbye to Jae and thanked him, before leaving the kitchens to go back to her dorm. On her way through the dungeons, she saw Barnaby talking to Ryan, so she decided to creep up on him.

"Hey." she said, snaking her arms around his waist from behind.

"Oh, hey!" he grinned, turning around and hugging her.

"Alright, Curse-Breaker?" Ryan smiled.

"I'm great thanks, you?"

"Yeah, I'm good." the other Slytherin said, "Barn's been talking about you all day." he smirked.

"I mean, apart from creatures and duelling, Lana's my favourite thing to talk about." Barnaby shrugged, still holding onto her.

"You really have missed me, haven't you?" Lana smiled, looking up at him.

Barnaby Lee x Reader - Year 5Where stories live. Discover now