Duncan Ashe

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Lana met with Bill and Charlie in the Prefect's Bathroom to find the ghost of Duncan Ashe. Once she got there, Charlie had a huge smile on his face.

"Thank you for helping me look for Duncan Ashe..." she smiled at the boys.

"I think I want to find this ghost even more than you do, Lana..." Charlie started, "I can't stop thinking about what Nick said about your brother and his friends believing there's a dragon in the castle." he grinned excitedly.

Lana giggled and shook her head. "I just hope Duncan knows where to find the Marauder's Map..." she replied, "Even though I'm sort of scared to find out why he hates Jacob..." she worried.

Charlie put a comforting hand on her shoulder and smiled warmly at her.

"Let's have a look around. If this ghost doesn't like to be seen, it could take a while to find him..." Bill suggested.

After looking for a little while, they ultimately had no luck.

"There's no sign of him..." Bill began.

"Maybe we should try another room..." Charlie added.

"Maybe he's just afraid of being found..." Lana chimed in.

All of a sudden, a whisky figure appeared next to them. The three students jumped in surprise.

"I'm not afraid of anything. Least of all, you three..." the ghost told them.

"Duncan Ashe?" Lana asked.

"Who's asking?" he asked back.

"Lana Riviera." she answered.

"Like Jacob Riviera?" the ghost asked, raising his eyebrows.

"...yeah. He's my brother." Lana replied shyly.

"I should kill you." Duncan frowned angrily.

"Hold on..." Bill stepped in, defending Lana.

"If Jacob stayed at Hogwarts, I would've found a way to kill him. Instead, he disappeared like the coward he is..." Duncan frowned again.

"My brother might be a lot of things, but he's not a coward!" Lana retorted.

"I was friends with Jacob Riviera from the day I got sorted until the day I died." Duncan explained, "He's a coward. And a liar. And a thief. And a thug. He's arrogant. Impatient. Impulsive. Insecure..." Duncan listed, and Lana was fuming.

"Stop it!" she yelled.

"Leave me alone. Your brother already ruined my life. You don't get to ruin my afterlife..."

"What did Jacob do to ruin your life?" Lana asked, trying to calm down.

"You're just like him, aren't you? Always pushing..." Duncan scoffed.

"I don't understand. Please, just tell me what happened between you two..." Lana begged.

"Even I don't know the whole story. I missed a lot of it while I was dying. You'll have to work it out for yourself. You might find that your brother isn't who you think he is..." Duncan replied, "Don't feel bad, he fooled me too." he finished, before floating up in the air and zooming through Lana's body, disappearing on the other side of the bathroom.

Lana stood there in fear and disappointment. She had to find out the truth...

"I never got to ask him about the dragon..." Charlie sighed.

"I have to find out what happened between him and Jacob. Hopefully, I can make it right..." she said, "Besides, it's my only chance to get my hands on the Marauder's Map..."

Barnaby Lee x Reader - Year 5Where stories live. Discover now