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Lana met Madam Rakepick on the Training Grounds with Bill...and Merula?

"Congratulations..." Rakepick started, "Of all the students at Hogwarts, I have chosen you three to serve as my apprentice Curse-Breakers. Mr Weasley for his bravery and determination. Miss Snyde for her ambition and strength. And Miss Riviera for her courage, natural talent, and obvious connection to the Cursed Vaults. I look forward to showing each of you how to leave a lasting impact on the Wizarding world..."

"Thank you, Professor." Lana smiled.

As you all know, we'll need to stick by each other in our excursions."

"Pfft. I can do it myself. I'm strong enough to handle anything." Merula stated confidently.

"You're welcome to go alone, Miss Snyde, but be warned that you'll almost certainly die." Rakepick told her, "Let me share my experiences defeating Dark Wizards, decimating early beasts, and breaking ancient curses. Show you places you never knew existed, and open your eyes to things you never thought possible. Teach you spells capable of capturing or obliterating anything foolish-enough to stand in your path. One such lesson is the Incarcerous Spell. Allow me to demonstrate..."

Madam Rakepick taught the three students the Incarcerous Spell, and after a while, Rakepick was ready to see what they'd learnt.

"Demonstrate the Incarcerous Spell on Miss Snyde, Miss Riviera."

"Why me?" Merula asked.

"You said it're strong enough to handle anything." Rakepick smirked, and Lana was chuckling at her remark.

"Oh. Yes, we'll I suppose that's true..." Merula covered up her embarrassment.

The girls got in position and Bill moved out of the way. Lana pulled out her wand.

"Incarcerous!" she yelled, and. Bunch of ropes came flying out the end of her broom, tightening around around Merula's arms.

"Well done." Rakepick praised.

"I don't think she can breathe..." Bill spoke up.

"I suppose you should save her, Miss Riviera."

"Finite Incantatem!"

The ropes released themselves from around Merula's body, and vanished.

"Are you alright, Merula?" Lana asked.

"Of...course." she groaned, rubbing her arm.

"This is a valuable lesson. We are a team now. A family. No matter what happens, we must protect one another..." Rakepick dismissed the three of them, and they returned to their common rooms.

"You're already like my big brother, but Merula as my metaphorical sister?! No, thank you! I can't even pretend to like her, Bill. Not after everything we've been through..." Lana told bill as they walked to Gryffindor House.

"Lana, you'll be alright. I know it's hard, but this opportunity allows you to be one step closer to finding your brother. It won't be for long, anyways." he soothed, "Plus, if she does anything to upset you, I'll be right there to put her in her place." he smiled.

"Thanks, bro. I really appreciate it." Lana smiled warmly.


Barnaby wanted to spend some time with Lana the next day, so after classes had finished, they met on the Training Grounds.

Barnaby got their first, and when Lana arrived he was facing away from her. She crept up behind him and hugged him from behind.
"Hey." she said, wrapping her arms around his waist and leaning her head on his back.

Barnaby Lee x Reader - Year 5Where stories live. Discover now