The Search Continues

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Lana met Charlie in the Prefects' Bathroom to discuss Scabbers. When she arrived, Jae and Fang were already there talking to him.

"Thanks for your help, Charlie." Lana smiled at the boy.

"Happy to help, Lana. As a bonus, it makes it easier for me to keep my eye on Jae." he chuckled, "Keeping him from causing trouble is one of the Gryffindor Prefects' highest priorities."

"We all have different ways of contributing to our house." Jae smirked.

"Let's start searching for Scabbers..." Lana added with a chuckle.

"As much as I hate that rat, I hope he didn't fall in the bath..." Charlie mumbled, edging closer to the big full bath, bubbles brimming to the top.

"Woof! Woof!" Fang barked happily, looking at the bath with big puppy dog eyes.

"No, Fang. You aren't allowed in the bath either." Lana chuckled, patting the dog's head.

"Even though you need one." Jae remarked.

"Grrrr..." Fang growled defensively.

"I'm joking! Geez..." Jae said, holding his hands up in defence.

They looked high and low again, Fang sniffing about with his little nose, trying to find any clues, when he barked loudly.

"Fang found something!" Lana exclaimed.

"Bread crumbs?" Charlie questioned as they walked over to the sink.

"Sandwich crumbs. I'd know those massive crumbs anywhere..." Jae told him.

"The bite marks are small, so they could've come from a rat..." Lana said, examining what Fang had found.

"Maybe Scabbers stole a sandwich from the Great Hall." Charlie suggested.

"Maybe, but someone probably would've seen him dragging one of those massive sandwiches out..." Jae said thoughtfully, "I'm guessing he stole sandwich scraps from the kitchens."

"Let's go to the kitchens, and see what we can find..." Lana said, but little did she know, McGonagall was walking up to them from behind her.

"What is the meaning of this?!" she asked sternly.

"Professor McGonagall!" Lana said in surprise, turning to face the woman.

"I thought I heard a dog barking in here..." she said, eyeing up Fang, "You had better have a good explanation for what you're doing with a dog in the Prefects' Bathroom..."

"Fang ran inside when I opened the door. We've been trying to get him out as it's against the rules for a dog to be in here. And I know that because...I'm...a Prefect." Lana tried, and surprisingly McGonagall bought it.

"Very well. Take Hagrid's impetuous pup, and leave immediately." she said sternly, before leaving the bathroom with the three right behind her.


"Lana Riviera can't bring a dog in here!" Pitts screeched as Lana and Jae entered the kitchens for detention.

"Wouldn't you rather have a dog in the kitchens than a rat?" Lana asked.

"What is Lana Riviera talking about?" Pitts asked her.

"We think there might be a rat in the kitchens, so we borrowed Hagrid's dog to catch it. We wouldn't want Dumbledore to find out that the House-Elf in charge is letting rats run all over our food." she replied bravely.

"...fine. Just hurry." the elf told them, before scurrying away back to work.

"Let's find Scabbers before Pitts catches on..."

Barnaby Lee x Reader - Year 5Where stories live. Discover now