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Lana followed Filch into the kitchens, sulking the whole way there. They entered the kitchens, and Lana gasped at the amount of House Elves that were there.

Filch left her and she walked to the other end of the room, to be met with a rather chubby elf.

"The new worker, Lana Riviera..." he said.

"You must be Pitts..." Lana guessed.

"That's right. House-Elves are responsible for cooking meals for all of Hogwarts. Pitts is responsible for making them do their jobs. Along with rule-breaking humans in detention." the creature replied.

"I don't know the first thing about cooking..." Lana told him.

"Do you know how to make a sandwich?"

"Of course."

"That's all you need to know. Grab a massive loaf of bread, and get to work..." Pitts ordered.

Lana did as she was told and sat at one of the tables. She spent about half an hour working, before the doors burst open, revealing Barnaby running through the kitchens towards Pitts, looking breathless.

"Barnaby Lee! You're late..." Pitts growled when Barnaby approached him.

"I'm sorry, Pitts..." he said, looking ashamed.

"Copy Lana Riviera's work. Or Pitts will be angry..." he ordered.

Barnaby spun around and saw Lana. He smiled widely and did as he was told, sitting next to her and following her lead.

"What're you doing here, Lee?" Lana asked, raising an eyebrow at the boy.

"Snape." he mumbled.

Lana sighed and put her arms around his shoulders, hugging him.

"Did he call you stupid again?" she asked softly.

"Yeah...I'm used to it though, don't worry." he smiled, turning his head to look at her.

Lana's heart sank at the thought of everyone ridiculing him due to his low intellect. She cupped his cheek and pressed her lips to his in a sweet kiss. He smiled into the kiss and put an arm around her waist.

Before it could go any further, Pitts yelled at them. "Back to work! No smooching in the kitchens!" he yelled angrily.

The couple broke apart and looked at each other. Lana started laughing when she got back to work, and Barnaby copied her, finishing up their detention as fast as they could.


The group were in the library, waiting for everyone to get there so they could discuss how to break the curse. Lana met a boy named Jae Kim in detention, and he gave her a Revealer to help reveal hidden messages if she comes across another one.

"Where's Penny?" Lana asked, sitting next to Barnaby.

"She never showed up..." Rowan sighed.

"Rowan and I decided to use our combined brainpower to work out exactly what sort of magic is trapping Beatrice." Tulip told her.

"I'm providing moral support." Barnaby smiled.

Lana chuckled and kissed his cheek. "You're good at that." she told him, and he smiled at her in return.

"This is my friend, Jae. He wants to help too." Lana told the group, and she felt Barnaby hold her hand under the table.

"Is there a way I can help without studying? It's not that I don't like studying, but..." he asked, "Actually, I take it back. I hate studying. Do you know what I mean?"

Barnaby Lee x Reader - Year 5Where stories live. Discover now