Where's Scabbers?

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"Thankfully, no one is here..." Lana said as her and Jae entered the common room, ready to search for the map, "Let's search for clues about the vault portrait and Marauder's Map before anyone comes back..."

"Make sure you look under everything. Gryffindors aren't exactly known for their cleanliness." Jae said.

"Good idea. We don't want to miss anything..." she said casting Lumos to add more light.

After searching for about half an hour, Lana gave up.

"Did you find anything, Jae?" she asked her friend.

Just then, Percy Weasley approached them, looking mad.

"You've found serious trouble is what you've found!" he told them.

"Percy?" Lana asked, "What are you doing here?"

"I'm searching for Scabbers if you must know. I should be the one asking the questions..." the boy replied, "Why are you breaking the rules?" he huffed.

"What are you talking about?" Jae asked.

"It's against the rules to use magic outside of class!"

"It was only Lumos..." Lana told him.

"Lumos is magic! I expected more of you as a prefect, Lana. What will we become if we don't take the rules seriously?"

"Fun?" Jae joked, making Lana chuckle.

"Bill and Charlie really like you, Lana, but I can't stand idly by, and watch someone break the rules..." Percy added, "What should I do with you?"

"I wish you'd just pretend like this never happened, but go ahead and do whatever you think is best." Lana shrugged.

"I will!" the younger boy huffed, "I'm telling the Headmaster, and Professor McGonagall, And Mr Filch, and writing a letter to the Ministry, and-"

"Hold on, Percy." the girl said, stopping his rant, "What if we help you find Scabbers?"

"I am quite worried that Mrs Norris might have got him..."

"If we find Scabbers, will you promise not to get us in trouble?"

"...I suppose. Though I'll never get a good night's sleep ever again."

"You go and search the dormitories while Jae and I scour the castle for Scabbers." Lana told him.

"If you find him, be gentle. He's quite fearful." the boy added, walking off to the dorms.

"The castle is massive. How are we supposed to find that mangy rat?" Jae questioned.

"I have an idea." the girl answered after a few seconds, "Let's go and see Hagrid!"


Jae and Lana walked down to Hagrid's together, scouring the grounds for Scabbers as they did so.

"Lana an' Jae! Welcome ter me hut!" the man beamed as the students walked through the doors.

"Thanks for having us, Hagrid." Lana smiled, "We need to ask a favour..."

"Ah! Yer abou' that age! I'm sure yeh wan' me teh tell yeh everythin' I know abou' romance!"

"That's really nice of you, but I actually just wanted to see if we could borrow Fang." Lana chuckled.

"Well, yer missin' ou' on a wealth o' romantic knowledge, but have it yer way." the man laughed, "Why deh yeh want teh borrow Fang?"

Barnaby Lee x Reader - Year 5Where stories live. Discover now