New power

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Madam Rakepick took Lana to Diagon Alley the next day to choose a new wand for her, seeing as her old one had been destroyed. Lana was fuming, but she tried to hold her temper so as to not make the situation worse.

They walked through the doors of Mr Ollivander's shop and saw the old man at his desk.

"Welcome back to Ollivanders." he smiled, "Though I wish it was under better circumstances..."

"You told Ollivander that you shattered my wand?" Lana asked Rakepick.

"It's not the first time a wand has been shattered by Madam Rakepick." Ollivander told the girl, "She possesses the rare skill and power to cast a spell so formidable it can shatter a wand. It pains me, but when one wand is lost, another gets an opportunity to choose its wizard."

"I can have a new wand?" Lana wondered.

"If a new wand will have you..." Ollivander muttered.

"You are not the same person you were when you arrived at Hogwarts, Miss Riviera." Rakepick told her, "It's about time you got a new wand."

"What, so you broke my wand just because you thought I should have a new one?" Lana asked sarcastically.

"I wanted you to understand that if you challenged me again, I would break something far more valuable." she repeated, and Lana worriedly thought back to her friends.

Mr Ollivander left for a moment, and came back with three wands, laying them out on his desk in front of the women.

"What are these?" Lana asked, examining the wands.

"A sampling of fine wands waiting to find their first match..." Ollivander replied.

"An eleven-and-a-quarter inch ebony wand with a dragon heartstring core. It's highly suited to combative magic, and happy in the hands of those who consider themselves non-conformists." he said, gesturing to the first wand.

"An eleven inch redwood wand with a unicorn hair core. Redwood wands aren't inherently lucky, but are attracted to those who tend to snatch advantage from catastrophe." he said, gesturing to the wand in the middle.

"And a twelve inch laurel wand with a phoenix feather core. It is said that laurel wands can not perform a dishonourable act. Truth be told, in the quest for glory, laurel wands perform powerful and sometimes lethal magic." he finished, speaking about the last wand.

"They're beautiful..." Lana smiled, gazing at the wands, especially the laurel one.

"And deadly." Rakepick added.

"And everything in between." Ollivander finished, "Of course, this is only a small sampling. I'm sure you have many questions. Let's discuss your ideal match."

After looking at the wands a bit more thoroughly, Lana was ready to decide which wand she would prefer.

"There you have it. Now, out of curiosity, which wand do you feel most drawn to?" Ollivander asked.

"I do like the idea of having a powerful wand to help me on my quest..." she answered.

"I was hoping you might say that..." Ollivander smiled, "Let's see if this twelve inch laurel wand with a phoenix feather core is your match..." he said, picking up the wand and twirling it in his hands.

Thank you so much, Mr Ollivander. This wand is incredible..." Lana said, as the old man handed her the wand.

"Go on. Give it a twirl..."

Lana held the wand properly and did as Ollivander said. She felt a sort of warmth take over her body as she twirled the wand, feeling as if it was meant for her in some way.

Barnaby Lee x Reader - Year 5Where stories live. Discover now