Marauder's Map

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After serving another detention sesh, Lana was talking to Jae about saving Beatrice. She thought she knew just the right person to help her, and that was Merula. She'd asked the Slytherin girl to meet her in The Three Broomsticks.

"What do you want, Riviera?" she sneered.

"It's nice to see you too, Merula." Lana sarcastically smiled.

"Have you been drinking Elixir to Induce Euphoria?" Merula questioned.

"No. I wanted to see if you'd help me save Beatrice Haywood." Lana said seriously.

"Why do you what my help?" she asked and raised an eyebrow.

"You're one of the most cunning people I've ever met. If anyone can work out a way to save her, it's you." Lana said honestly.

"It's about time you recognised my brilliance."

"So you'll help me work out how to save Beatrice?" Lana send hopefully.

"Not so fast, Riviera. I'm going to make you earn it..."

They talked over a butterbeer, but it was mainly Lana being forced to tell Merula how amazing she was at everything. Although she didn't mean any of it, she needed to save Penny's sister...

"Well done, Riviera. If there was ever any question about your Merula Snyde infatuation, you provided the answer." she grinned in satisfaction.

"Happy now?" Lana asked, unimpressed.

"How could I not be happy? I'm the most powerful witch at Hogwarts." she answered, "The real question is, why should I help you free your friend's sister instead of searching for the next Cursed Vault?"

"They're one and the same. The only way to free Beatrice is to find the next vault, and break its curse." Lana explained.

"Fine. But it's still best to divide our efforts until we know exactly where the vault is located. I'll keep following the path I've been on while you search for the Marauder's Map." Merula said, but Lana was confused.

"Marauder's Map?"

"It's some sort of magical map that Rakepick has been after. Finding it could give us some clue to the next vault." the Slytherin explained.

"I heard her ask Filch about a magical map last year..." Lana muttered.

"Then you should start by talking to Filch. You two deserve each other..." she joked, "Apart from Barnaby, of course." she teased.

"Leave him alone, Merula." Lana rolled her eyes.


Lana met Jae in the Great Hall to plot against Filch. She needed to shock him into telling her about the Marauder's Map.

"Filch is all alone, and no one is paying attention..." Jae told her.

"The box is on the table. Let's just hope he's foolish enough to open it."

Filch walked over to the table and inspected the box tied with a big red bow.

"This box looks just like those others, doesn't it, Mrs Norris?" he spoke to his cat, who just hissed, "They're fools to think I'd fall for the same trick a third time. Then again, what if this one is actually a present? Someone might actually feel bad for the way I've been mistreated..."

He thought for a while before opening the box cautiously. He stared at the contents of the box in shock.

"I can't believe's a beautiful cake! Made just for me!" he exclaimed, "It's got a Mrs Norris face made of chocolate, and delicious little shackles made of icing!"

Barnaby Lee x Reader - Year 5Where stories live. Discover now