Chapter One

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"Mr Trancy, this is the 5th time this month you've been written up for violating dress code." The principal said, folding his hands on his desk. "I'm going to have to call your parents." At those words, Alois Trancy practically bolted out of his chair. "No, no, no, no, no, sir. Please, I'll wear something -er- d-decent! Please!" The principal raised an eyebrow and sighed, "One more slip up, Trancy, One more." He warned, shooing the blonde out of his office. Alois smirked and and left the room, stopping by a nearby mirror to see what the school thought was "inappropriate"

He was wearing a plan purple t-shirt with a black vest over it with a bow on the back. His shorts were way above his knees, which was, he guessed, the "inappropriate" aspect of his attire. He chose to ignore several faded bruises around his thighs.

Alois shrugged and skipped down the stairs and empty hallways until he reached the class in which he had been called out of. 24 pairs of eyes shot toward him as he entered. Some giggled, others whispered rude and vulgar things under their breath as Alois smiled politely and made his way to his desk in the very back. He was use to this, of course. The bullying. It had been going on for so long that the blonde couldn't even remember a time where he could walk down the hall and not get called a weirdo. He guess it was because of his hyperactive and flamboyant personality. Or maybe they just didn't like booty shorts.

Alois turned to the side and smiled as he spotted his long-time crush, Ciel Phantomhive. Ciel was the closest thing Alois had to a ''friend.'' He put up with Alois's hugs and nonstop chatter, but the navy haired boy was never exactly thrilled to see the blonde. He always acted irriated and annoyed, which, in turn, made Alois want to cheer him up even more. Ciel was looking out the window, a rather bored expression plasered on his picturesque face. His only visable eye was a brilliant deep blue while the other was gaured by an eyepatch. Whenever Alois asked about the orgin of the eyepatch, Ciel would always said it was because of some accident when he was little and then change the sugject. Alois understood and didn't ask again. He wouldn't want someone asking about his past either. Definantly not.

The bell ripped Alois out of his thoughts and he practically ran over to Ciel's desk. "Hey, Ciel!" He said happily.

Ciel sighed and continued packing his books into his messenger bag. "What did you get called to the office for this time? Let me guess, dress code?" Alois nodded and laughed. The pair walked down the hall and out the school doors, chatting about their day. Outside it felt lovely. The air was warm and a gentle breeze past by every now and then. The sky was a bright blue, matching Alois's eyes to a T. Unfortunately, not even the beautiful weather could cheer Alois up. This was his least favorite part of the day; the part where him and Ciel had to go their seperate ways.

They walked their usual way, down the side walk and to an old playground, then Ciel turned to him. "Well, bye. See you tomorrow." Alois watched the boy walk off, wanting nothing more than to run up to him and hold him tight and follow him home. The blonde sighed and sat down on an rusted old swing. He was in absolutely no hurry to get home. He hated it there so much. It was a nightmare.

Alois sat ont he swing for more than an hour, staring at the ground and thinking. What did kids on tv do when they had abusive parents? They run away, right? "It could work..." the boy said aloud to no one. Suddenly, a sickening feeling almost caused Alois to fall to the ground. This was Thursday, not Friday. Every Friday Alois waited until dark before going home, so that, by the time he arrived, his father would be at work. But his father doesn't work on Thursdays.

Alois leaped out of the swing and ran full speed to his house. He was going to be in so much trouble! How could he have been so stupid?! Tears leaked out of his ice blue eyes as he came to a screeching halt in front of his house. From the outside, his house was the envy of the whole neighborhood. His father was quite rich, so their house was quite large. It was three stories with elegant gardens and hugs fountians. But no garden nor fancy fountain could hide the nightmare that happened everyday behind the closed $100,000 doors.

Alois opened the door silently and stepped inside. The whole house was pitch black and dead quiet. The only sound was of Alois's heartbeat busting in his eardrums. Okay, so far so good. Maybe his dad had gone to sleep? All he had to do was get to his room and lock the door. Then he'd be safe.

Alois took off his shoes and silently climbed the marble staircase. Every step seem to echo louder than the last, casuing Alois to shake even more. After an eternity, the blonde finally reached the hallway. It was dark and still, but Alois knew exactly where his room was. 4th door on the left. 212 steps from where he was. He looked around, expecting to see his father lurking around in the shadows. But he was alone. The blonde haired boy tip toed to his door and grabbed the knob. He took a deep breath. This was it. All he had to do was turn the knob, dash in, and lock it. Biting his lip, Alois turned the handle and practically jumped inside, slamming the door and locking it behind him.

The blonde broke out into a smile. He had done it! Alois leaned against the cool wall and let out a long sigh. He flicked on the lights and almost threw up. It was his father. Sitting on his bed. Waiting. No, no, no, no. He had locked the door! He was safe! Alois's eyes widened and he slide down to the floor as hid father smiled his disgusting smile. The last thing Alois remembered thinking was that he wished his dad worked on Thursdays.

A/N: Hello!~ I'm really sorry for any and all grammar/spelling mistakes. I proofread it two times, but I still might have missed one! Oh and if you see this fanfic on, it is NOT stolen. I have an account on there as well, it's called ILoveFancyTrancy~ Anywayyyyy! I already have a majority of this story typed, so I just have to split it up into chapters and post it. I was originally going to make this a one-shot, but I didn't think many people would want to read a one-shot that's wayyy long. 0 I hope you enjoy!~ :D Oh, and I do not know if I'll be continuing my other fanfiction. Maybe, maybe nooottt.

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