The second stage.

Bắt đầu từ đầu

The both sighed in content when they finished, Buhara asking for seconds when he held up a 'passed' sign.

"Where did you learn to make this?" Menchi asked, exited to hear what I had to say.

"From a chef, ma'am." I say.

"Well, no matter where you learned it, you pass!" She said happily as she scooped the remains of the stew out of her bowl.

Smiling happily, I walked off the stage and back to the cooking table, where I started to clean up. The pot still had some stew in it and I contemplated wether I should throw it out, or save it for later.

"Can I have some?" Someone said.


Whipping my head round, I saw Kurapika with his sandwich that he was going to serve.

"Sure, help yourself." I say, softly giving him a thumbs up.

Grabbing an extra bowl, I ladle the stew in the bowl and hand it to him.

"It tastes nice, Aiko-San." He said.

"Thanks Kurapika."

Handing the empty bowl back to me he headed off, to the platform.

I wash the remaining dishes and stacking them back into the shelves beneath the stove.

After half an hour or so, all of the conestants had failed, except me. Feeling quite proud of myself, I realized that I would have to leave Kurapika and the others behind.

Some people argued with Menchi, saying that not everyone needs the skills of a Gourment hunter, as most of the examenees wanted to become other sorts of hunters.

Suddenly, a big hot air balloon apeared and hovered above us as someone jumped out of the aircraft.

He was an old man, with a beard and a bald head. On top of his head he had a ponytail, but no hair around it. Wierd hair but ok.

His shoes where also strange, they where a small horizontal plank with a vertical plank sticking out beneath it. I marveled at the total balance he probably has to stay upright.

His clothes where a combination of blue and white.

Lightly landing on the hard ground, Menchi stood up and left the platform to greet him, with Buhara following behind.

In the meantime the rest of us had gathered around them, listening in on there conversation.

"Chairman Netero, why're you here?" She asks.

"Well, it'd be a bit of a shame if you failed all the examinees exept this talented one." He said while gesturing towards me.

Blushing in embarrassment, I looked down. The chairman just said I was talented!! That's like, the greatest compliment ever!

"I'm sorry, chairman," she says solemnly, "I will resign from being an examiner."

"No no no, just give them an easier task, that's all. Maybe make it a little more dangerous for them too." He said, his eyes sparkling from the fun he was about to see.

"Yes, chairman, I won't let you down," she said, "but can we borrow your aircraft?"

"Of course."


Arriving on canyon, with mile deep walls that could lead you to your doom, Menchi quickly explained that we had to simply retrieve a spider eagle egg and boil it, to pass the test.

//𝘙𝘌𝘉𝘖𝘙𝘕♡Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ