Chapter 35- Primeira Vez

Start from the beginning

"That is why we watch what we say infront of younger children." I tell him and he nods.

I help Alannah out of his car seat and we head into Jaxs house. Gio hands our bags to Alfred and says a quick goodbye before heading back to work.

"You're here." Vanessa says greeting us in the foyer.

"We are." I say looking between me and Alannah.

"You can help with dinner." She says and I nod.

I can't remember the last time I cooked dinner. It's been far too long.

I follow Vanessa into the kitchen with Alannah holding my hand. Once we get into the kitchen I sit Alannah at the island. I then wash my hands and help Vanessa with making dinner.

"You know it's nice having you girls here I'm mostly here on my own." She says cutting up some chicken.

"Why are you here on your own though?" I ask and she shrugs.

"It's hard to explain." She says says and I smile sympathetically at her.

"I can't wait for next year now I know Jax has someone that cares for him. He's going to need the support from someone other then Gio." She tells me and I smile.

After we made dinner we sat in the dinning room and ate it.

It didn't take much for Alannah to be tired. But she insisted on staying in the living room with me and Vanessa for a while.

"On Wednesday you and Alannah are going to be staying here right?" She questions and I nod.

"Okay so you can meet Gianna then." She says and I nod.

"Sure we don't mind." I say and she smiles.

Come 8pm I took Alannah up to her room. I ran her a bath which didn't take long as she was falling to sleep.

I got her into her pyjamas and brushed her teeth as she basically fell asleep in my arms. I tucked Alannah into bed and as I kissed her forehead I yawned myself.

"I love you." I say and she smiles and rolls onto her side cuddling into a new stuffed animal Jax got her.

I head downstairs into the kitchen where Vanessa was.

"Is Alannah down for the night?" She asks and I nod.

"Yep." I say popping the 'p'.

"Jax is home." She says putting a plate into the dish washer.

"Oh well I'll go see him then." I say as she hands me a bottle of water. I thank her then head to Jax's room.

I go into Jax's room shutting the door behind me.

Now that I know he's frustrated, I can see it on his face. He was sat at the end of the bed tugging his hair. He had got rid of his suit jacket which was on the back of his chair.I cough to get his attention but he still doesn't look at me.

"Is Alannah asleep?" He asks and I walk over to him.

"She is." I say sitting beside him.

"How was your day?" I ask taking his hands from his hair.

"Eh it was okay, what about yours?" He asks.

"It was good, I helped your mom make dinner." I say he smiles.

We sat in silence for a minute or so.

I was trying to string the words to tell Jax how I wanted to lose my virginity to him. I've really tried not to think about it because it makes me so nervous but I think it's time and he's definitely the right person.

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