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"The Roku warriors"

The green crystal was shattered into a million pieces by the blast of lightning, which just barely missed Aang's head

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The green crystal was shattered into a million pieces by the blast of lightning, which just barely missed Aang's head. The Avatar and his friends ran for their lives through the Crystal Catacombs of Ba Sing Se, looking for another way out. Their plan to retake the city was a complete and horrendous failure. It was just the five of them against the army of firebenders and Dai Li. They were foolish to think that they could imitate Azula's victory. But they were so close... they had her alone...

Blocks of stone followed the lightning bolt sent at them, nearly hitting Toph, but Aang smashed it with his hand easily. They were pursued by Azula and the Dai Li. The predatory firebender followed them, tracked them, and hunted them through all parts of the world. Normally, they'd stay and fight, but now she had sheer numbers on her side. Toph led the way, smashing through crystals and anything in their path, fighting for a way out. She and Sokka were injured during their attempted small invasion, and they needed to get out so Katara could heal them.

Zuko paused long enough to send a fork of lightning at his sister while the others ran through the mazelike passageways. They turned down one path, but a group of Fire soldiers were running after them. They abruptly turned down another tunnel, weaving, running, and finally losing their followers. They stopped to catch their breaths.

"Wait a minute, someone's coming," Toph whispered, panting. "It's those two cronies."

"We can handle them," Sokka said, using his left arm to lift his sword, the other injured. Zuko seemed reluctant, but nobody commented. Mai and Ty Lee came into view, and Katara was about to hit them with water when Mai shouted out.

"Stop! We want to help!"

"I don't believe you," Katara said coldly. Aang and Toph both sensed that she was telling the truth, but neither said anything. No matter what, they couldn't be trusted. She was an enemy.

Mai and Ty Lee surprised them by giving them quick, easy, and truthful directions out of the Catacombs. Zuko seemed as if he was about to say something to the girl, but Toph whispered urgently that Azula was coming. Katara and Sokka ran ahead, but the other three stayed.

"Come with us," Zuko nearly begged to them. "We'll protect you."

"We'll hold her off, get going!" Mai said urgently to him. Her voice was so different, so emotional, and sincere. She was tired of the war.

"Wait!" Zuko shouted, as Toph and Aang pulled him along. Aang didn't very much care about them, they had caused too much harm in the past. They knew of the consequences of going against Azula, but that was what they chose. Zuko struggled, but they got him out of there. They were able to escape.

Later, in their next encounter, Azula informed them that the two girls were dead.

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