With people such as Adrien or Timothy, I can stick around them for hours before the battery loses its charge at a slow pace. On the other hand, being around people with different mindsets and speed and chain of thoughts, the battery survives for an hour, to be optimistic, ninety minutes. When it reaches twenty percent the compulsion to lock myself away in my room for days takes over, making it impossible to be nearby anyone. Until this social battery recharges and I gain the capability of social interaction.

In some cases, the charge runs out faster. For example, near this group.

I scan the backyard, Arianna busy pouring a drink in her glass while chatting with Jacob. Dylan, standing on the other side of the pool, talks to Amanda. As she giggles and pushes her brown locks out of her face from time to time.

Sophia is sitting on Adrien's lap, pushing her golden hair behind her ear as she leans down, whispering something in his ear.

It would have been interesting if Adrien was ticklish.

I glance at Calvin and Rebecca talking to a guy I've never met, or don't remember meeting.

Olivia and Tina are occupied preparing snacks, while Will and James are carrying new bottles of booze.

Sophia stands up and walks towards the table full of beer and whiskey.

"Eleanor!" Calvin's voice startles me. He stops in front of me, I crane my neck to look up to him. "You haven't changed a bit," he notes with a smirk.

I force a small smile and push myself to my feet. Resisting the urge to wipe my sweaty palms against my pants.

I wonder if I'm supposed to reply to his comment.

I could point out how much he has changed. With his shaved head and ink-covered arms and pumped up biceps. But I doubt that would be an appropriate answer, instead I shrug.

"Here, brought you drinks," Rebecca presents as she and Olivia approach us, each holding two cups.

"Thanks babe," Calvin says before pressing his lips to her for a peck.

So they're the only ones who haven't broken up since high school. That's an interesting amount of prolonged commitment, made by two hormone-driven teenagers.

Olivia offers me one of the drinks and I decline her as politely as I can.

My heart thundering in my chest, I try my best not to fidget with my fingers and stand tall.

"There you are," Arianna's cheerful voice comes before she places herself next to me.

The shaking of my insides reduce at a significant rate.

"Is the house about to blow up? The hell are you all circling here?" She asks takes a sip from her drink, then extends a glass full of what seems to be apple juice to me.

Grateful that my hands have something to do I accept it. Not to mention my mouth has gone too dry.

Calvin laughs, before he gets the chance to reply Rebecca answers, "We just wanted to be sure she'll play, up for a game Arianna?" she displays a sweet smile, tilting her head to left, blue eyes glinting.

"Yeah, as always," Arianna shrugs.

Calvin turns around and shouts, "Hey, Adi, up for a game?"

Adrien stands up and adjusts his shirt before accepting the glass in Sophia's hand and fixing his gaze on Calvin. With Narrowed eyes, he hesitates, "Sure," and sips from it, scrunching up his face.

Is getting drunk really that good to make the horrible taste of alcohol worth it?

Soon, a few feet away from the pool, the fourteen of us, including the new guy, sit in a circle with bottles of vodka and tequila in the center.

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