• Sabito × dying reader

204 1 1

Requested by @EULSIERS

• sorry for the typos and errors, I'll my best to edit it immediately.


3rd P.O.V

"wahhh! Makomo-chan you did so good! Sabito the way you sliced the boulder was so cool! Giyuu you did amazing too!" the [hair color] girl's eyes sparkling as she praised her friends.

"you the one to talk (Y/N) you sliced boulder way ahead of us." Sabito replied to the girl while smiling widely at the newly accomplished task.

"yeah (Y/N)-chan you're way better than me." Makomo said to her, as Giyuu just nodded to her.

"hehehe, we all did a good job slicing our boulders, c'mon let's hurry back to father/otosan/Urokodaki and tell him the news! I'm so ecxited to see his reaction!" (Y/N) smiled to her friends.


"father/otosan! father/otosan! we're back, we totaly crushed the boulder!" (Y/N) said excitedly pumping up her fists, not being to held back her excitement.

The man/her father stared at 3 of them with a worried face, which cathes his daughter/(Y/N)'s attention.

"what's wrong father/otosan are you not happy about us being able to go to final selection?" (Y/N) asked worried, mixed the uneasiness.

"I'm proud of the four of you, I'm just scared you won't make it, the final selection is filled with diffirent kinds of demons (strong and weak)."

"awe! father/otosan we're strong right, we sliced the boulder in no time, the demons are no math for us four! right Sabito, Makomo-chan, Giyuu, besides I still have a lot of winter and sakuras blooming to watch/see, you know I can do anything for it!" (Y/N) said tryng to reassure her father that noting majorly bad will happen to them.

The man just sighs telling them to come inside the house to celebrate the newly accomplishmed task.


1st P.O.V

The four of us were in a fighting stance, as we were faced by four demons. We each battled/fought one, as we successfully slayed them, with no major injuries or so. Little did I know there was another one of them that tackled me to the ground, it caught me too off gaurd that the sword slipped of my hand.

"(Y/N)!" Sabito hurriedly running to me slaying the demon and check on me.

"I'm fine Sabito! see." I stood up thanking him while grabbing my sword reassuring him that I was fine, but in reality the impact was so hard I think some of my bones broke making me weaker/unable to fight like I usually can, Sabito just looked at me with worried eyes, but quickly went on.

"are you sure you're fine (Y/N)-chan? it looked to hard for you to be fine?" Makomo asked me, in which I smiled reassuring her, while Giyuu tried to hold/ grab me in place and check my injuries, in which I quickly dodged/ avoided.

I quickly caught up with worried Sabito looking at me in a distance, I reassured him once again. As I took his hand and started running through the pasages/routes with Makomo and Giyuu.

When we were running we abruptly took a stop, as we sense demons around us, we couldn't tell where. before I knew it, it lunged itself to Makomo, in which my reflexes kicking in as I tried to use myself to cover Makomo, resulting to now bleeding arms, and chest.

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