xlix. Frank gets an Apple

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Jason made his way to Percy, and tried to talk to him, but Kira knew that no one could hear anyone in this storm.

She wished she could help how Percy was, but the only power she could offer would be to make the storm angrier, which, she decided, was not what the crew needed.

Jason looked back to Kira, Annabeth and Piper. Annabeth and Piper were staring at him in shock, but Kira shot her friend a friendly wave, as if nothing was happening.

Jason gave them back an okay sign, before turning and staggering to the rail.

He raised his arm and summoned a lasso of wind.

Jason levitated off the deck, encased in his own miniature tornado. Spinning like a corkscrew, he plunged into the water.

Percy dove in after him. Kira glanced to her friends Annabeth and Piper, who looked as shocked and angry as she would expect them too.

Luckily for Kira, Leo wasn't the run-directly-into-danger type. Kira went back to work to make sure the ship didn't capsize, and so did the girls, just much more distracted and angry.

Kira tried to calm them down, but the girls couldn't hear her over the storm and they were too focused trying to save the rigs.

It seemed like forever, and Kira was exhausted from not sleeping that night, and the constant rocking and giant waves slamming into her, but the storm cooled down.

Kira heaved a giant sigh, her arms planted on her knees. She was completely drenched and sore. Leo unhooked himself form his bungee cords to make sure she was alright, but they mostly watched Annabeth and Piper fuss in amusement until Percy and Jason rose to the surface.

They explained to the crew what had happened, a sea-storm goddess had tried to kill them with a giant, but Jason had convinced her to rejoin the gods side.

After the attack, the ship was to damaged to fly, and too slow to outrun monsters.

They fought hungry sea serpents about every hour. They attracted schools of curious fish. At one point they got stuck on a rock, and Percy, Kira, and Jason had to get out and push.

In between shifts, Kira slummed against the deck beside Leo, so she would have dreamless sleep.

When she wasn't sleeping or fighting random sea serpents, she listened to Leo rant about how mad he was at the storm goddess, and how the sound of the ship made him want to cry.

She was a good listener, and she assured she would help him repair it the best she could when they had the time. For now, they needed to stay focused with killing Gaea.

Percy and Annabeth went ashore to scout while Leo stayed on the quarterdeck, and Kira took it as a great time to pass out.

She was awoken with the smell of cookie dough ice cream. Her eyes flew open, taking the bowl from Leo.

"I remember, you told me it's your favorite!" He told her, and she gave him a kiss before digging in.

The whole crew sat on deck, without a storm or a monster attack to worry about for the first time in days, and ate ice cream. Well, except for Frank, who was lactose intolerant. He got an apple.

The day was hot and windy. The sea glittered with chop, but Leo had fixed the stabilizers well enough that Hazel didn't look too seasick.

Curving off to their starboard side was the town of Mykonos – a collection of white stucco buildings with blue roofs, blue windows and blue doors.

"We saw these pelicans walking around town," Percy reported. "Like, just going through the shops, stopping at the bars."

Hazel frowned. "Monsters in disguise?"

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