Drama queen. Come on. Trailers. All of you?

(12:13) - T -
Yup. Unless you prefer sleeping in the cushy warm pile of dirt outside.

sounds interesting.

(12:15) - T -
Not until there's no longer any electricity or water and we all have to carry around candles like some scene from Midsommar and eat watermelons till we puke.

Is that what you're doing now?

(12:16) - T -
Right now I have a juice box bc I don't trust those half squashed balls of surprise more than likely stolen off the back of a produce van that was sitting in the sun too long. Last time there was a rat in it.

(12:16) - T -
And it was still alive.

Are juice boxes considered high class now a days?

(12:17) - T -
Duck off Ads hole.

(12:17) Wow. What a temper.

(12:18) - T -

(12:18) Amazing. The eloquence.

(12:18) - T -
I guess your lunch is going better than mine huh?

If you consider some old take out from Pop's better.

(12:20) - T -
A diner? That doesn't seem very civilized either!

I never said I was civilized :P

(12:21) - T -
Oh, so you're punk rock then? Any cool stories to tell?

Maybe, and now I'll see myself out to enjoy my cold half eaten burger. Have fun with the bar tonight.

Wednesday PM

(1:01) - Sweets -
You were texting all lunch but me and Fangs were right there

(1:01) - Sweets -
You don't have other friends.

(1:02) - Tiny -
How dare you, I have a whole plethora of friends that I can call upon when your ugly asses dont show.

(1:03) - Sweets -
Lying ass bitch lmaooo

(1:10) - Sweets -
Oh come on, don't ignore me Topaz.

(1:11) - Tiny -
Did I need to respond to something there orrrr?

(1:11) - Sweets -
Don't play stupid, that roles already filled by me. What's ur deal today

(1:12) - Tiny -
The wrong number I texted the other day? They asked if we all lived in trailers

(1:13) - Sweets -
They know we're from the southside? Did you also give them your moms maiden name and social security number?

(1:13) - Tiny -
Dude, shut it.

(1:14) - Sweets -
What about your DNA sequence? Make it easier for them to just clone you.

(1:14) - Tiny -
What are you even talking about u dumbass

(1:15) - Sweets -
It's just weird that this random ass person probably knows who we are. What if they're a cop or a conservative or smth

(1:15) - Tiny -
You're just overreacting, man. They dont know who we are. Everyone on the Southside either life in trailer parks or in tear downs. They don't even know my name. I don't know their name. Shit, idek their gender.

(1:16) - Sweets -
Maybe it's some middle aged dude

(1:16) - Sweets -
Fine, whatever leave me on read. Just don't get murdered, alright?
I don't want to have to bury your body. You're too fuckin heavy nowadays ;)

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