{Chapter 3}

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| unsympathetic Remus,Virgil and Roman

| Slight unsympathetic Patton

| Depresso Jan-eso

|Sympathetic Logan

|A pile of Loceit

(Right now its the afternoon in the story Aka Janus is having breakfast at lunch)

Remus, Virgil, Roman and Patton POV

|The others could smell some food being cooked in the dark sides kitchen. They were preparing for their Disney marathon as Roman and Remus were choosing which movies to watch.The twins had some on their list but the other sides also chose some movies: Patton chose Zootopia, He said he liked how there were animals. Virgil chose Night before Christmas,Thomas Chose Coco, He said he just liked it. Logan earlier chose Big hero 6  and the twins couldn't decide.

 The sides tried to ignore  the delicious smell coming from the dark side area but nobody could ignore it. Patton decided to speak up "Janus Must know how to cook huh?" he said with a nervous smile "But Janus can't cook.." Remus said looking up from the paper they were writing on. They all looked towards the hall way, "Logan can cook but hes at the library..." Patton mentioned, Then it struck them all...'Was Logan with Janus in the dark sides area?' 

Meanwhile with Janus and Logan

| As Logan finished up the last pancake he turned to Janus "Why were you at the library" he asked remembering the encounter they had earlier.Janus paused "I was looking for a map" "For where?" Logan asked puzzled "The cliff..."

 (wait! Before we continue let me explain, The Cliff is a place where the sides can commit die almost. Its like ducking out but permanent. You can get the sides back but they wont remember anything and they will be a child ranging from 5-9 years old)

 Logan was shocked he didn't know what to say "B-but what about how that will affect Thomas, T-the rest of us also!" "I-I know I wasn't thinking, But you all made it clear you do need me!" "Janus you are just as important as each and every one of us...Remember when Virgil ducked out? Something like that could happen!" Logan said as he held both of Janus's hands. 

Janus let go of Logan's hands leaving them hanging and turned around. "I-I'm sorry just please go..." "No." Logan said as he put his hand on Janus's shoulder. "We are going to have breakfast right here...and I'm staying with you" "But why?.." Janus asked as he turned to look at Logan."Because I'm the only person who would make sure your going to eat" Logan said with a small smile.

 Janus let out a little laugh as he went to grab two plates and put two pancakes on each. "Here" Janus said as he gave the plate to Logan. Logan sighed as he took the plate and sat down "Thanks..".

Light sides+Remus P.O.V.

"We should check the library" Roman said with a worried expression. They were trying to find out if Logan was at the library or with Janus. Thomas walked in to see Patton and Virgil sitting on the couch, Remus laying on the floor and Roman pacing back and forth. "Where's Logan?" He asked as he took of his leather Jacket.Patton look towards Thomas "K-kiddo We don't wanna upset you but we-"  "We don't know where he is!" Virgil interrupted as he jumped up quickly. "W-what do you mean I thought he was at the Library" Thomas said nervously as he slowly walked towards the sides, "Did you check?"

 "No but we smelled food from the dark side kitchen a-and Remus said Jan can't cook" Patton said with a nervous smile."Then lets go look!" Thomas said as Virgil was pacing with Roman.Roman stopped. "Yeah! The snake could have hurt him and-and we would be the great heroes!" Roman said as he quickly got out his sword "I Shall vanquish that villain!".

 "Okay kiddos lets check the kitchen first" Patton said as he held onto Thomas's hand as the two and the others sank down to the dark sides mind space. They arrived right next to the kitchen table they stood in shock, silence filled the room...Janus and Logan weren't there. "WHERE ARE THEY?!" Virgil shouted breaking the silence "Kiddo calm down they couldn't have gone far" Patton said putting an arm on Virgil's Shoulder."Lets look around" Roman suggested as he walked forward "They couldn't have gone far"  

|With Janus and Logan|

The two sides walked down the hall silently as for Logan wanted to see Janus's Room. Logan broke the silence and asked "How will your room affect me if I stay for too long?" Janus Froze his room didn't affect the others like they thought."Well..It depends on how I'm Feeling" he said as he continued walking, "If I'm happy, You would be happy, If I'm sad you would be sad...Get it?" "I guess it makes sense" Logan said as he processed it all.They stopped at a yellow door the color seemed to be fading with black snakes coming from the corners and a yellow door-mat saying 'Don't come in' in black text.

Janus opened the door as they walked in, There was a desk and a single bed. A mirror which had one of his capes dangling from it and his pair of gloves. A large plastic box labeled 'Sewing  stuff' and a half finished sock snake beside it that seemed to be pretty long already, And a yellow bean-bag chair beside the bed. There was a light at the ceiling and the room was lit up dimly.The bed had a yellow blanket with black stripes that seemed to look like snakes. There was also a dresser that had a small box on it that seemed to have a little blood on it. 

|"Welcome to my room" Janus said as he sat on the bean-bag Logan noticed that there were some maps on the desk as bored-games. Logan sat on the bed beside Janus. "so...Wanna play something?" Janus said as he gestured towards the pile of bored-games. There was Life,Sorry,Scrabble, a box of domino's, Some puzzles, a box of cards and Uno.

|"Sure" Logan said as Janus went over to the  games "What do you wanna play? I have Life,Sorry,Domino's,Scrabble, Some puzzles, Uno and some cards." Janus paused...Logan was being so kind...Unlike the other sides...|

Word count: Flipping 1048-

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