{Chapter 2}

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|Self-Harm mention

| Self hatred

| Some Loceit (Logan x Janus) and Roceit (Roman x Janus)

| You have been warned!

| Meanwhile with Janus

| "Why did I run.." He thought to himself as he paced back and forth through his room. He stopped to look in the mirror. He got lost through his thoughts as he gazed into the mirror, he looked as his scales as he breathed in and got ready for bed.

|He Took of his cape and his shirt, He paused as he looked at his arm seeing spots and bruises where he cut of his scales. There were marks left from the scales and some cuts. He sighed as he got changed for bed as went to sleep.

| Meanwhile with Roman

| Roman sighed, Laying on  his bed thinking about how scared Janus was, wondering if the other sides could also affect his room. A few minutes later he heard a knock on his door then heard a voice."Roman? Kiddo are you okay? I heard some yelling coming from your room so I wanted to check on you" Roman realized It was Patton so he went over to answer the door.

| "I-I'm Fine" Roman lied,hoping Patton wouldn't notice. Patton thought Roman was telling the truth so he just smiled. "Well I made a cookie for everyone!" Patton said holding a small red bag that had a sugar cookie shaped like Roman's symbol with icing details. "Thanks padre" Roman said as Patton gave the cookie. "Can I come in?" Patton asked "Oh sure!" Roman said nervously hoping Patton wouldn't ask about what happened. Patton walked into Romans room, Then Roman noticed the room shine brighter than earlier.

|Roman sat back down on his bed as Patton sat beside him.

"So?...What was all the yelling about?" Patton asked to Roman. Roman paused..Remembering about how he yelled at Janus,The room getting Darker, And then Janus running. "Roman ,Kiddo?" "Y-yeah!" Roman said nervously.

| "Janus...Came" "How was it?" Patton said with a nervous smile "I kinda yelled at him.." Patton gasped a little, Finding out that Roman was shouting a another side was different. "...My room got kinda darker and it seemed liked he was having a panic attack" Roman said Remembering everything very vividly. "Your room became...Darker?" Patton questioned to Roman. "It was weird! and then he just ran off...I-I hope he's okay". Patton sighed as he tried to understand what happened. "maybe we could check on him tomorrow?" Patton asked to try and help Roman with his worries "Okay" Roman said with a nervous smile

|The next morning Janus woke up with a minor headache. After the events of the day before it was hard for him to fall asleep. He groaned as he got out of bed and put his clothes on. As he was putting on his cape he smelt food coming from the light side's kitchen "Pancakes..." Janus thought smelling the food and remembering him having breakfast with Remus and Virgil. He held back the tears as he buttoned up his cape and headed to the dark side's kitchen and grabbing a box of Cheerios and sat down. He stopped as he sat at the table and then sighed as he walked back to his room.He sat on his bed and laid backwards thinking about the times he spent with Remus and Virgil, Then with Remus after Virgil left. "Do the other sides really like me? Does Thomas even need me?" he thought to himself. He got up and headed to the library down the hall. Once he got it he noticed Logan sitting down reading The Murder of Roger Ackroyd for the tenth time. "No,No,no" Janus thought to himself as he hid behind a bookshelf he sat down hoping that Logan would leave. Just his luck, When Janus sat down a creak came from the wooden floor. Logan hear the creak and put down his book and got up "Who's there!?" he said alerted. Janus knew if he tried to move Logan would spot him, and he didn't want to change to be the other sides. Logan got into a fighting position "I said! Who's There!" His tone sounded angry. Janus got scared the wood starting to creak even more than before "No,no,no" Janus whispered getting scared for his life as he held onto his knee's. Logan recognized that voice. Logan lowered his fighting position and calmed down his tone. "Janus?..." he asked knowing where he was hiding. Janus jolted up trying to stay as quiet as he could. "...Is that you?" Logan asked coming closer to Janus's hiding spot. "Please don't see me, Please don't-" Janus's thoughts were interrupted when he saw Logan right beside him "Logan!..H-Hey.." Janus tried to stay calm as he noticed Logan didn't look that upset. "Did you have breakfast?" Logan asked having a feeling that Jan didn't."I did!" Janus said with a sheepish smile "Please don't lie to me".  Janus got scared, about what Logan was going to do, about what he would say. Logan grabbed onto Janus's arm, then stopping he could wrap his fingers around Jan's arm, the thumb overlapping the index and the middle finger. Logan looked up to Janus's nervous expression "Did you eat at all in the past week?" Janus shook his head saying he hasn't. Logan was at a loss for words. He didn't expect the deceitful side to do something like that. Logan let go of Janus's arm "Come on" he said as Janus's Scared expression changed into a puzzled one. "We're going to your kitchen and your having breakfast" "O-okay" Janus stuttered as he followed Logan into the dark side's kitchen.

(By the way the kitchen looks like this: the room has a open window then you can see the dinning room from there)

| "You can sit down" Logan said as he went into the kitchen, Janus took a seat at the table as Logan looked around the kitchen. he noticed the box of Cheerios Janus left out from the morning then opened the fridge. "Does it get lonely?" Logan asked as he got out three containers one had strawberries another had blueberries and the other had raspberries. "Mhm'' Janus replied.  Logan sighed he put down the containers and sat beside Janus. "Look the other sides may not like you but all they need to do is accept that your a part of Thomas just like all of them and you are important" Janus looked up to Logan "Thank you.." Logan grabbed Janus's hand and pulled him up as he got up from the chair. "Do you like pancakes?" Logan asked.

|End of Chapter 3!

|This took way to long to make and i tried to make it longer than the other chapters

|Word count: 1132

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