Conflicting Emotions

Start from the beginning

"Sorry. I'll leave. Sorry."

She only took two steps before the staff member called out to her.

"Wait! Are you Anna? Seat number A22?"

The questions made Anna pause and turn to the staff member. How do they know my name?


She watched as the staff member look relieved before smiling at her.

"There's been a bit of a mistake."


"Yes. You see you were meant to be told this when you arrived, but...well... Anyway, you have won a meet and greet with the members after concert!"

Anna just stared at the staff member blankly. What did they just say?

"So, if you follow me, I'll take you backstage."


Wait, what? The members?

The staff member looked at Anna gently, seeing the obvious confusion on her face.

"You are going to meet BTS."

Annas jaw dropped.

"Right now."

Her eyes grew wide. She wasn't sure whether it was with shock or fear.

Seeing that Anna wasn't responding, the staff member motioned for her to follow.

"Come with me."

Anna's legs did as they were told, while she tried to wrap her head around what had just happened. After they had been walking for about five minutes, Anna's mind was a bit clearer.

"How...? Why...?"

The staff member smiled at her.

"You won a competition. One fan at each concert was chosen to meet the boys."

Anna nodded along. Wait.


"Do you remember filling out a questionnaire a few months ago?"

Anna nodded.

"They used that to choose you."


"The boys."

"You mean BTS read my answers to those questions?"

Oh no. What did I write? I never thought they would read it!

As they got closer to wherever the staff member was taking her, Anna felt her heart race and her palms sweat. Oh my god! I'm going to meet BTS! Oh, I'm going to meet BTS, I don't think I can do this. Anna's excitement soon turned to dread. She stopped walking.

"Anna? Are you okay?"

"I can't... I can't meet them."

"Of course, you can."

Anna shook her head. Of course, she had always wanted to meet the boys who brightened up her life. The ones who made such beautiful music and never failed to make her smile. But she was intimidated. They were everything she wished she could be. They were passionate and talented and beautiful and not afraid to follow their dreams. She was shy around people anyway and wasn't good at making conversation. I can just imagine the awkwardness.

But then she thought about why she was here. Namjoon. Jin. Yoongi. Hobi. Jimin. Tae. Jungkook. She couldn't give up her one chance of meeting them, the boys she loved.

"I promise they are really friendly."

Anna took some deep breaths and nodded.

Thirty seconds of bravery can change your life.


The room was full of a mix of nervousness and excitement.

Taehyung and Hoseok were almost jumping with anticipation. They could hardly wait for their soulmate to arrive. Namjoon and Jin were masking their nerves with their confidence. Yoongi was trying his best to hide how he was feeling. Jimin was outwardly anxious as he bit his lip and wrung his hands together. Meanwhile, Jungkook was practically vibrating, most likely from both nerves and excitement.

When they heard a knock on the door, they all leapt out of their seats and stood in their usual formation as the door opened. They all held their breath as the staff member stood aside and gestured for someone to enter the room. Someone gasped as a girl stepped into the room. She's beautiful. Namjoon immediately led them in their group greeting.

And then they watched in horror as their soulmate dropped to the floor.

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