Love triangel! ((Intrucloceit))PT-2

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We back mate-
Most of this is gonna be Intruclogical -w-
Crying(sad Logan ;-;)


Remus' POV
"Hey Lo...You okay...?"
I received no answer just some more snuffled cry's.I go and slide down the stall.
"You don't have to talk to me but it would make more sense if you explained it to me..."
(Remus) (Logan)
A cry could be heard.Logan Reyes to block it but failed.
"I was in love with someone,And I found out they love someone else..."
"Can I know this person?? You don't have t-"
"Janus Ghoul.He..."
His sentence was cut if by a cry...I felt my heart drop...He was in so much pain and I don't know how to help...
"Can you come out the stall...I can give you a hug if you need one..."
The door to the stall was unlocked and before I expected it Logan hugged me.I quickly hug back,keeping to my promise.

We stay in that position for the rest of lunch. And even when the bell went we did brake the hug.This was the best time of my life.I was hugging the Love of my life and he was hugging me back! But there was a nagging curiosity that was fidgeting with me.
"Soooooo,You wanna Tell me who Janus has a crush on?"
Logan mumbled into my shoulder.
"I'm sorry,What was that?"
"It's you Remus."
It was still a bit mumbled but i could hear it loud and clear.
"Wow...Ha,Thats kinda funny,I guess we were all in a Love triangle..."
"How So?"
Logan was now talking more clearly with his chin resting on my shoulder instead of in it.
"Well you had or have a crush on Janus,janus likes me and I,Like you!"
"Wow...Wait you like me??"
"Well yea! Your beautiful and amazing and kind and just AAAAAA-"
"Well,Thank you."
Then the bell rang.We missed a whole lesson.
"Are we just gonna stay here or go to last lesson?"
"Stay here...We have Astronomy and I don't want to face Janus yet..."
"Wow-Is this still Logan Smith??? Because I think that you have been impersonated-"
"No it's me." And then he chuckled...That was so fucking beautiful-
"Wanna go sit in a bathroom stall and smoke some with me??"
"...Alright.I don't really see a problem. But...Can we still...hug?"
"Yea Of cause!"
And so here we are,Higher then the fucking birds,while cuddling on the floor of the boys bathroom in a stall in the middle of a lesson in a highschool.
That's rad mate


Logan left for the bathroom 20 minutes ago...
(Janus) (patton) (Nyx-Orange side by me)
"Hey has Logan ever spent 20+ minutes in a bathroom?"
"No...He's never been it there longer then 5."
"Oh,You talking 'bout that tie wearing tall dude-"
"Who are you? If I may ask..."
"I'm Nyx.Im dating Virgil Nightshade- Your friends with him-"
"Oh! Well it's nice to meet you Nyx! And if you hurt my son I will bend your knees backwards!"
He's still smiling as if he didn't just threaten the knees of a short ginger-
"Okay...Anyways Logan was in the bathroom hugging Remus Prince-Don't know why but Logan looked like he was crying.I would recommend-"
Then the bell went.We gotta get to class.

3rd Person POV
Janus and Patton Both had English on the opposite side of the school.Meaning,They didn't find Logan yet.
Throughout the class both boys were wondering where the 2 others could be. Janus was the most intrigued.He thought about it. And then he realised something.

Janus' POV
It all makes sense tbh now.
Logan only ran away after I admired my feelings for Remus.And Remus never came to the table for lunch,adding on to what Nyx said about them being in the bathroom,I've came to the conclusion we are probably stuck in a loop.Logan and Me both like Remus.
This would make my case worse as they were hugging in the bathroom,But that makes no sense. The question is now-Why were they hugging in the bathroom?

Nyx's POV-Before the crush
Yes!Lunch-Shit Bullies-
I might just go hide in the bathroom to eat-
I go to open the door to the nearest bathroom,but before I do I see the schools most popular with the schools lest popular. Now that's not something you see everyday.

I take a picture and send it to my boyfriend who is currently sick at home.
Hey babe!
I saw this at school today,
Pretty weird huh??

*Insert picture of Logan and Remus in the bathroom floor hugging*
                Holy shit that's Lo and Remus-

Yep!They were-Well
Are hugging!!
                                                  Holy shit.

I gtg Virgie! Hope you
Feel better! Bye🧡

                                        Bye,Bye Nyx💜

Oh god,I fucking love him so muchhh!!!!!
Anyways I make my way to the lunch hall knowing now that I can't eat in the bathroom.

"No...He's never been it there longer then 5."
"Oh,You talking 'bout that tie wearing tall dude-"
I over hear some people talking about the two I just saw.
"Who are you? If I may ask..."
"I'm Nyx.Im dating Virgil Nightshade- Your friends with him-"
I recognise the blue haired boy as Patton. He's pretty much Virgil's dad-
"Oh! Well it's nice to meet you Nyx! And if you hurt my son I will bend your knees backwards!"
Okay,Was not expecting that.
"Okay...Anyways Logan was in the bathroom hugging Remus Prince-Don't know why but Logan looked like he was crying.I would recommend-"
Then,The bell went.I have to get the chemistry.FUCKKKKKKKK-

After chemistry I have anthropology- Nice

Pattons POV
The bell rang again and it's time for Astronomy! On the way to Astronomy me and Janus look through every bathroom window.Eventually we reach the last bathroom before our class and we see a weird sight.There was smoke.Someone or Someone's were braking a school rule and smoking in the bathrooms.
I was quick to get a teacher but when she went into look she came out all dazed The she was hypnotised.
What did they do to her...

Im gonna make a part 3 to this story-
I'm sorry- TwT
And the next chapter will include Janus more I promise!
Take it easy guys gals and non-binary pals!

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