The love triangle! ((Intruclociet))

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High school AU!!
Logan Smith is a smart student at the age of 17.He doesn't know it yet but soon he will understand Love more then a definition from a dictionary,He will find himself in a love triangle!
Janus likes Remus
Remus has a thing for Logan
Logan has a crush on Janus
Who will brake the triangle?!?
Third Person POV
Logan Smith was walking down the hall of his school.He was early,as always.The only people there were the teachers and the quite,bottom tier people.

You may ask,What's the bottom tier? Well in high school everyone is put into groups.You got the nerds,quite kids/losers,the jocks,theatre kids,cheerleaders and the popular kids.Logan hates this system.He thinks it's pointless.

While Logan was taking his walk he sees a boy,He looks as if he would be in the quite kids group.He looks like he has a skin condition called Vitiligo.Making him have a patch of white skin over his eye and more patches on his arms,and probably over his whole body.He must also have Heterochromia as his eyes are two different colours.Logan could fantasise about this boy for ages yet as soon as he saw him,he was gone...

Logan kept walking down the hall.As he edged closer to the door,the princes made themselves known.Roman Prince,He is an ultimate bitch.He always starts fights and people in the halls bow down in his presence. Not Logan,Of cause he hates the princes.Both of them.Or so he thought.The other Prince was Remus Prince.He is the unwanted twin.
People only know him because of his brother. He is usually ignored and not listened to.But this is high school people!

Little did Logan know,Remus has the hots for the nerd.He always found himself staring at Logan if they were in the same class or at lunch but Logan would always be looking at the teacher or occasionally someone else.

Remus' POV
I enter hell with my brother,The bitch himself.As we enter I see Logan.He has been my crush for like-since I first saw him!He has the classic cute nerd look with the Vibe of 'I don't care about you-' and 'Im the teachers pet~' !!!AND HE IS SOOOO-JUST AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-

While in my mild Gay panic I spot that one boy-The boy Logan stares at.I looked at him closely,But he was oblivious to my staring. He looks like he was drawing or writing in a note book,He was wearing a beanie and a MCR T-shirt.Finally another person with culture! He looked pretty cute.Now I kinda know why Lo Lo would stare at him.

"Uhhh,I'm sorry but are you okay...You were spaced out..."
"UH! I'm good! Sorry-"
"It's okay...I'll just leave-"
"No! Umm-What's your name?"
"I'm Janus Ghoul...I'm in your anthropology and astronomy class-"
"Oh Yea! I'm sorry for zoning out! You probably already know who I am,so It was nice meeting you!"

Wow-He even had a cute voice-Not as cute as Logan's tho-I could go on about Lo Lo for ever!!

Janus' POV
Wow...What the fuck just happened.I just got noticed by my crush AKA fucking REMUS PRINCE!!!
Well-I did talk to him first;That strength will never come out again-

Got to head to Science,My favourite subject-Well other then anthropology and Astronomy~

Third Person POV
Janus walked through the door of the science class.Catching the eyes of a certain student.Logan watched as Janus took his set,The second one to his left.Logan looked at the boy in curiosity and pure love~Yet he didn't know that-Once the lesson started Logan slowly turned his attention to the teacher.

But in the opposite class you could see Remus Prince standing outside looking straight(gay) at Logan.Now Remus had caused trouble in class so he was sent out-Leaving him in an empty corridor.He noticed Logan looking at Janus so he looked at Logan.Soon Logan's class started meaning his class has just ended.

Remus' POV
I look at my schedule,FREE PERIOD THANK FUCKKKKKK!!! Now I can watch Logan!!
The other students come out the class and go to their lessons-Except Of cause Patton Hart.
Patton had a free period as-well but today Logan and him had a class together,meaning he will be walking to class with him.Sometimes I think Patts trying to steal my  Logan.But then I remember I only know Patton because he dates my brother-

Patton walks over to me,like always, and we talk.Me giving the usual look at Logan-But one time I see Janus looking at me...No staring-


-TIME SKIP-(here's the start TwT)
Oh-This part was confusing-sorry
Logan's POV
I left my class getting a smile from Patton as I exit-We make our way to our English class dodging the fight down hall-Obviously caused by Roman-We finally make it to our class so we go in and sit down.But then I see Janus at the door.He and the teacher are talking...soon he enters the classroom and takes the set to my right.As that set was empty.As soon as he sat down Patton started taking to Janus.As Patton was on my left.Soon they had started a conversation and soon I was in it to...
(Janus) (Logan) (Patton)
"So what's your favourite planet?"
"The sun-"
"The suns not a planet you dork-"
"Who's your friend Patt?"
"Oh! This is Logan! Sorry for talking over ya Lo!"
"*Logan and *you please learn how to speak English and not gibberish-And it's okay Patton."
"Well-Hello I'm J-"
"Janus Ghoul.Your in my Astronomy class."
"Yea-Okay-Well nice to met ya Logan!"

After that the class time just flew by.Next period was Lunch.Everyones favourite.Class ended and everyone started packing up.

"Janus,Kiddo you should join me and Logan for lunch!"
"Is it just you two or-"
"Oh! I invited Remus again Lo-Sorry for not telling ya!"
"*You,And I guess it's fine.Remus isn't that bad-"
"You mean Remus Prince?!?"
"Yep! You sound excited kiddo,Do you have a crush on him or something else?"
"Yea,I like him..."
I felt like everything in my shattered.I didn't know what this felling was-But then I thought about it...It was heartbreak...
"Uhhhh-I'm going to go to the bathroom...I'll be there with you soon..."
I quickly walk to the bathroom.Only to be stopped by the one and lonely-Remus Prince~

Remus POV (once again TwT)
"Well,If it isn't Logan Smith~ where you going nerd?"
He tilts his head to the bathroom door-
I move out his way but follow after him.
"Talk to meeeee-Come on-"
Logan went into one of the stalls leaving me in an empty bathroom-
I start to re-applying make-up but soon I hear muffled sobs...Logan.Logan was crying...

Ima split this into two parts because this is over 1160 words TwT Welp-
Take it easy Guys,Gals and Non-binary pals!

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