
I was completely speechless. I had absolutely nothing to say. There was nothing that I could say. I wasn't stupid and neither was Ryan. We both knew the truth as to why I'd have a ring like that, hidden away.

"What happened while I was away?"

I could only shake my head, and while my mouth was open no words came out.

"You better explain this Alice...."

He took sudden steps towards me as I tried to move back on my elbows, in attempt to delay his beatings.

"I'm s-so so-sorry I-"

Within less than a second Ryan jumped on top of my already broken body. The only thing I could focus on was the deafening clang as the ring fell out of his hands and straight onto the blood stained floor beside me. I allowed myself to keep my gaze locked on the object. I studied it's silver curves and sparkling diamond. I hated it for where it had gotten me but still was grateful that there was something to distract me during Ryan's attack.

With every brutal punch and kick I felt my body jolt and shift against the ground. I could barely make out the furious slurs and insults that came out of the beasts mouth, everything was in slow motion. The pain was so intense, blinding agony was raging through every inch of my body. Blood was spewing out of my mouth, a clear warning sign that Ryan was going way to far, it didn't stop him. The pain got worse and worse, the awful sensation took over every inch of my body until eventually I just couldn't feel anymore.

I felt weightless as my mind drifted away. Then Ryan laid one final lethal punch to my face before my vision went completely black, lulling me into a pure state of oblivion. The last thing I saw, the faint glimmer shinning out from within that God damn diamond.


It had been over a month since I left Alice at her old home. Every single day had been hell without her and I missed her terribly. The time that I'd spent away from her only highlighted to me how much I needed her and in turn made me love her even more. I didn't even know that that was possible until now.

However, I still had yet to regret my decision to send her away from the danger. The only problem was that we ended up being apart from each other for a lot longer than I had originally intented. It ended up being much harder to locate all our threats than we thought. Alex and I, along with all of our men, had been working non stop to hunt down and kill these people. My only incentive being that once they were all dead, I could get my girl back.

Because of the amount of enemies we'd made I had also bought a new house for Alice and I. It was right on the coast of Italy. I wanted it to be close to the beach, remembering how much she'd enjoyed our holiday swims. I'd already filled the place with furniture, décor and of course everything else Alice would ever need. I wanted to get her a few days ago but figured it was easier to have everything ready for her arrival. I wanted to be prepared in order to make up for the amount of time that we'd spent apart.

Of course, I was still tracking Alice's every move. I was initially shocked to see that she hadn't left her home once, but then I suppose I was having her food delivered to her. A guy that I had working for me would drop of all the necessities that she'd need once a week. His instructions were strict and clear. He was never to go in the house, instead simply leave the food and go. I didn't want anyone else talking to my girl. I was a possessive man but had finally won Alice's affection and wanted it stay that way. I wouldn't jeopardize that. I also couldn't fully trust anyone, therefore all that man knew was that he was to deliver to that apartment. He didn't know who was inside or why he was doing it. It was best that way.

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