Caught and exposed |4|

Start from the beginning

Though Avery had a point Devin's hardheadedness wouldn't allow him to admit it
"That's not true" he protested.

"Or when you got pulled over so you gave the officer an autograph and he let you go"

"How do you know about all this?"

"Maybe you should have Tyler keep his mouth shut, He's told me a lot of stories since I've moved to Phoenix..." Devin looked at her with fear, he could only imagine the type of trouble He could be in from Tyler's big mouth.

He was also surprised she had reconnected with his best friends since childhood, and because his own friend didn't tell him.

"I might need to have a little talk with him..."
Devin meant it as a joke but there was a little bit of him that feared what some of these stories were.

"Anything else he's mentioned to you?... just out of curiosity..." Devin swung his feet anxious to find out what she knows.

"Oh, a whole lot of things. But where would the fun be if I told you?" She giggled.

"Oh, Avery you can't do this!" He laughed nudging her playfully.
She knew the power she was holding in her hands by not telling him everything she knew, he would constantly be stepping on eggshells wondering what she had against him.

"I can and I will"
She stuck her tongue out at him before unlocking the door to her room.

Devin held the door open while she walked inside.

He stunned himself when he saw his own hand holding the door, he was a star, people held the door for him not the other way around.
You would've thought this was a challenge for Devin, but the good kind, where he tried to show Avery how he was the best man for her, that he certainly has changed, the challenge was he wouldn't stop till he proved it.

"So I mean there are already rumors do you want to just go for it?"

Avery glared at the 6-foot 5-inch man in disbelief.

"Come on I'm kidding!"

Avery pushed his face playfully.

"No, I would hate for you to miss tomorrow's game..."

"Damn mamas, you go that hard?" He smirked

"No. I just figured you would leave" she gave a little evil laugh before closing the door on him.

"Not cool!" He yelled hitting the door.
All he heard was her laugh from the other side which brought a smile to his face.
He stood there for a moment before walking back to his own room.


Just like their everyday routine the team found themselves back into a private room getting evaluated by the training staff.

Avery and Caleb both took one player at a time to evaluate them all and make sure they were all healthy enough to play.
All of the training equipment and staff were pushed into this little hotel room and had to make do with what they had, for the time being, they didn't have big fancy training rooms like they typically would at home so this just had to work.
Avery was a little concerned about how she would be treated around the place since the whole twitter incident.
She didn't want people believing she only got the job to be around the players and hope to get a check from them, which was not at all what she wanted, she had the heart to take care of people but did not have the stomach to be around needles and other bloody things like nurses and doctors do so this is the path she chose.

But so far everything had gone smoothly she only had Rubio, Johnson, bridges, and who she was dreading. Booker.
They got along well after their little meeting but the more Avery thought about it the more uneasy she felt, she knew she shouldn't be seen with Devin and she didn't want to be, they got close the other night because she let her guard down, it was only by accident.
She didn't want things to be awkward and Caleb was picking up on it so he planned to take Devin to avoid any uncomfortable situations while working.

Once they were both done with Johnson and bridges the staff in the hallway came in and cleaned before sending booker and Rubio in for their session.
It only consisted of checking muscles, stretching them, and Ice if needed, which was no problem, at least Avery thought.

Both the boys walked in and laid on the tables, Rubio was about to go over to Caleb before he was redirected by Caleb's instructions.
Rubio was with Avery and Booker with Caleb, Caleb working on Devin's legs while Avery was doing some heat on Rubio's back, Devin kept looking over across the room while Avery couldn't help but notice the change in body language, she had her hands on Ricky's back so she could tell the second he tensed up under Devins gaze.

They were just about finished and with a nod shared by the two boys Rubio asked Caleb if he could help him outside for a moment, Avery was not paying attention since she was focused on putting her equipment away and didn't see the two leave the room.
She turned around and she was met with Devin's chest right in her eyesight, she looked up and saw Devin Staring down at her.

"Don't do this Avery..." he said with a very husky voice.

"Scare you while working? Because that would be what you are doing"

"No, I mean to try and avoid me"

"I'm not avoiding you"

"Yes, you are. I noticed Caleb set you up with Rubio like it was scripted. You know you want to see me, just be honest"

"No you want to see me, I want to do my job"

Avery walked past him while he let out a sigh.
Trying not to annoy her too much he just gave in for the time being and walked out of the room so she could finish working, once he walked out Caleb walked back in.

"What did he need?" Avery asked trying to prevent any questions about what Devin was doing talking to her.

"He was asking me about the wallpaper in the hallway...part of me believes he didn't really need anything..."

They both chuckled.

"You know Rubio and his wallpaper. It's his whole identity"


Avery was in her room moving things around and doing anything she could to prevent her mind from overthinking.

She put some outfits together, made her bed, folded extra blankets, cleaned off the counter she uses to get ready, and got ready for bed but nothing she did would pass enough time for her to fall asleep without her thoughts taking over.

She grabbed her computer and sat in her bed, she called her longest known friend, the girl who has been by her side since 13, and the only girl that knew her whole story.

She waited for the call to go through, anxiously biting her lip while hoping there would be an answer.

"Hey, Orlando!"

She smiled when her face appeared on the screen, it's too long for somebody to go without their best friend, especially Avery.


"You clearly have tea... tell me what's up."

"Guess who I'm working with?... I thought you said he got traded?"

She sat on her bed spilling her heart out to her best friend, saying things that sounded absolutely crazy and Zoe only told her things she didn't want to accept.

While down the hall Devin was dealing with things in his own way. The only way he knew how.

He sat in his bed typing away on his phone, Avery was on his mind she wasn't in his phone unlike somebody else...

"Hey, can't wait to see you soon. I've really missed you;)"
Without a thought he sent the text, he sounded honest but unfortunately... he wasn't.
He was missing the touch of somebody, but for the first time in his life, he wanted something he couldn't have. And he hated the change.

Being NBA star Devin booker came with privilege, girls threw themselves at him, never thinking twice about getting in bed with him, they believed they could have something with real but in reality, they were just the next girl he was gonna kick out in the morning.

To have something he wanted so bad dangling in front of him that he couldn't grab,
It Was beyond frustrating.

Thoughts? Theories?

Should Avery give in?

There is a reference in here that you guys won't understand now but soon😜

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