Chapter 17: Cast off, Brace on!

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Stiles's POV:
~ 4 weeks later ~

Soo now here we are 4 weeks After Minho came back. He went to live with his family and goes to school with me. Newt still has online classes since he is in collage and he asked if he could finish his studies until both me and Minho are in collage.

However Newt's reaction to Minho being back was priceless. After School both me and Minho and the whole pack went to mine's to watch a movie and it went on from there.


Me and The whole pack where on our way to my house. In my car I had Minho, Malia and Liam, and of course now was Min-min driving the Jeep.
Scott drove his bike with Kira on the back. Jackson drives both Ethan and Theo. And then lastly we have Lydia who drives alone.

We parked in the drive way and walked up to the door and walked inside. I heard that Newt was in the kitchen so I called for him.

"Hey Newt! Can you come in here?" I yelled from the living room.

He began walking towards us and called back.

"Yeah of cour-"

He was cut off when he saw Minho standing in the living room and tacked Minho to the ground. I chuckled and got up to get a class from the kitchen.

When I got back the whole pack was catching up and I sat down next to Malia and Newt and cuddled next to Newt and we began watching the movie.

End of flashback:

Yeah... so here are me, Minho, Newt, Scott and Isaac sitting in Scott's living room.

Today I had a doctors appointment. I was getting my cast off. Finally! Well I still needed the brace but at least I didn't need the crutches anymore.

I checked my watch and my eyes widened.

"Hey guys the time is 2:00 I need to go to the doctors appointment!" I said to them getting up with the help from my crutches.

"I'm coming with you!" Newt said getting up to.

"I think we're staying here!" Minho, Isaac and Scott say in unison.

"Yea Ok!" I say and get out of the house with Newt.

Timeskip to the hospital:))

Me and Newt were waiting for the nurse who were going to take the cast off.

The doctor was in the room earlier telling us about how the brace works and stuff like that.

Newt gave be a kiss on the cheek and I smiled.

After a few moments Melissa walked in.

"Hey Stiles! Hey Newt! So I got to take your cast off!" Melissa said giving me a hug.

She then took what looked like a blade. The blade was round and was spinning. I put my foot on the bed so it's easier to take off.

I held Newt's hand and Melissa started to saw through the cast.

"There! Now that the cast is off... why don't we get the brace huh?" Melissa asked me.

"Yeah, yeah!" I exclaimed and she walked out to get the brace.

She then came back in with a black brace.

I got my leg off the bed and had now both my legs hanging outside of the hospitalbed

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I got my leg off the bed and had now both my legs hanging outside of the hospitalbed. Melissa took my leg and put on the brace over my pants.

When it was on my leg I had to try walking with it so I stood up with help from Newt and Melissa and started walking over the room.

After a while I started getting the hang of it and both me and Newt gave Melissa a hug and said goodbye and left.

'I Wonder what Min-min say about my brace.
Probably something about it looking stupid. Hah!'


Yey chapter 17.... DONE! HAHA!


Published: 24/07/20

Wordcount: 635

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