Chapter 5: The pack knows

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Hi! I really think I can get this story finished for once😂 I really like this story and I hope u guys do too!

Lydia's POV:
When I woke up this morning I saw that stiles had sent me a text. It said that he was dating newt!! OMG!! They are dating!! I'm soo happy for them! They are soo cute together! Anyway it also said that he will call me after HIS DATE?!? Awww they are going on a date today!! I decided to text him back.

Lydia: awww!! I'm soo happy for you! Sending lots of love! And I just wanted you to know that the pack also saw the picture so I think they know to but I will tell you more about that later. I gotta go to school sorry! But Call me later!! Or else... 😏🔪 hahaha! Just kidding... or not... Jk love u bye!! Xxx

I sent the text and went to school. When I got to school I looked at my Instagram and that when I saw the cutest picture I have ever seen!

 When I got to school I looked at my Instagram and that when I saw the cutest picture I have ever seen!

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

I looked at the caption and it said: love waking up to this every morning🥺❤️ awww!! They are soo cute. I got out of my car and I saw the pack. I decided that I will tell them what Stiles Told me. I ran over to them and greet them. "Hey!!" I said "hey Lydia!" Kira said as I hugged her. "Euhmm u guys?" "Yes Lydia?" Scott asked me. "Well last night after we saw the picture I sent a text to Stiles asking him about it and I got a respond..." I said. "And? WHAT DID IT SAY?!?" Malia yelled. "HE SAID THAT HE WAS DATING NEWT!" I exclaimed while jumping up and down while clapping my hands.
"Good for them!!" Kira said. "Yeah he told me he would call me toninigt and tell me all about it!" I said. "You HAVE to tell us what he says ok?" Isaac said cheerfully. "Yeah I will... he also said to me that he has a date with him tonight" I said while a smirk plastered on my face. All of the pack cheered and was happy for Stiles. "I also followed Newt on Instagram last night and they also have matching usernames! Look!" I said while showing my phone in they're face. "What is so special about the number two?" Jackson asked. "I don't know but I will ask him later" I said as the schoolbell rang signalising that our classes has begun. So we all walked inside to our class and started working.

Heyyaaa! That was ch5! I'm soo happy to be done with this many chapters in not many days. Hahahshsjsh! Anyways I hope u liked it! BYEEW!!<333
Published: Friday, 10/07/20
Word count: 471 words

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