Prologue (1)

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(18 years ago)

Sally POV    (A/N: guess yall didn't see this coming)

It was a relaxing day for me. I was in Montauk a place where I used to visit every holiday possible with my family. Despite them being gone I still visit this place as it hold many memories I cherish within my heart. I stepped out of the cabin and walked towards the beach. The sea breeze felt soft as it brushed against my face. It felt as if I was being stroked with the softest feather. I closed my eyes and reveled in the calming solitude as I sat on the golden sand but it was not golden now it was silver for it reflected the moonbeams of the inconsistent moon. Forgive me for the use of Shakespearean quotes. Romeo and Juliet is one of my favorite plays of all time. I've always dreamed of a fantasy where a prince with god-like looks will sweep me off my feet. There's a reason they are called dreams right???

The isolation was soothing but something seemed wrong and I couldn't seem to put my finger on it. I looked about my surroundings and the scenery felt innocent enough. Imagine a full-moon over a calm ocean with twinkling stars without a cloud in the sky. Why did I feel that there was something wrong. It almost made my skin tingle and I did not like it. Feeling bored despite the beauty of the night I stood up and brushed the sand from my shorts and stalked off towards the woods a little ways away from the beach and the cabin.

I have never been to these woods before despite myself coming here for all these years. It was a dense forest with tall trees towering over you hiding what little light the moon caused. Even coming here during the day made it hard for you to find your way around and this was the middle of the damned night for gods sake! I know I might sound crazy to you guys but I had to find out what was wrong. My instincts told me to come here and they are usually right but now I was not feeling so sure bout myself. It was like something or someone was calling to me. Calling out for help. Reluctantly I made my way into the darkness of the forest.

There was a small path barely visible in the darkness. It was as if some force was pleading me to follow it. Trusting my instincts I took the path and wandered off as if in daze.... 

I continued to walk at a steady pace till it felt I should stop. I looked around and....... "GREAT !" , I thought. I was in the middle of some unfamiliar woods in the dead of the night and the best part.........I WAS FUCKING LOST!!!! This was hilarious. Stupid instincts bringing to the middle of nowhere. I continued to look for a way out while muttering curses under my breath. Just as I was about to get hysterical I heard someone. It looked as if whoever it was  having trouble breathing cause that person was taking ragged breaths. I went towards the sound and then I saw her.

It was a woman. She seemed to be in her early twenties as I was yet more beautiful. However she was not human since I'm pretty sure humans don't have fangs. Despite the fangs her looks were somewhat normal. "Thank the Gods someone heard my calls for help!" , she exclaimed.Getting closer only did I see the the dagger digging into her frail figure. Around her was a puddle of blood which was getting bigger by the second and it did't seem as if she could hold on much longer. As soon as I had thought that she collapsed onto the cold hard ground. I ran to her side and cradled her head on my lap

She took my hand with her feeble one and said," Take care of him. His name is.....Perseus. They are coming for him. Please save him from their wrath. Show him the love that I never will be able to as my time is running out. Save him Sally save him." As she said those last words her blood red eyes drained of all the life it contained. Then I realized she said my name. SHE SAID MY NAME BUT HOW DID SHE...... My thoughts were interrupted as I heard a baby cry out. Near the body of the woman was a baby wrapped in a bundle. He looked a few days old and he seized his cries as soon as I picked him up. He cooed as he played with my fingers. "How adorable", I thought to myself as he started to fall asleep. How could anyone ever think of harming a harmless helpless infant such as this??? At a last glance at his mother I walked away from the site.

A few minutes of walking was all it took when I heard an unnatural hissing sound. Louder than what a snake would make and it seemed to get louder by the second. Not knowing what to do yet sensing the danger we were in I huddled the baby close to me and ran. 

Running through thick woods in the middle of the night under faint moonlight making your sight barely visible is not a good idea. I was holding Perseus too and I had to be careful as I stumbled along the way. Finally my destination came to an end. Not because I made outta there but because I tripped over some overgrown roots of some goddamned tree. I made sure I got the impact of the fall hugging the baby with all my might. Luckily he wasn't hurt but the sudden fall woke him up and he started crying really loudly. 

I'm pretty sure his crying confirmed where we were for whatever that was chasing us. The sounds were getting louder. I couldn't protect Perseus. I couldn't carryout his late mother's last wishes. With a repentant heart I clutched him closer to me vowing to protect him at all costs. I closed my eyes and expected to get stabbed similar to how his mother had died and braced myself for death. That is when I saw a flicker of golden light.......

(1060 words)

The Demon Within ( A PJO/HoO Fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora