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The words shut Obi-Wan up for good, even while he carried all the indication of wanting to say more, the taller Jedi simply sighed, ran a hand through his beard and continued onward towards the Jedi temple.

Lyra's stubbornness would be the death of her someday.

"Track down this bounty hunter you must, Obi-Wan, Lyra" Yoda addressed them after they had completed their detailed recount of what had happened to the room full of Jedi Masters. The council had gathered remarkably quickly given the short period of time between the occurrence and their hurried haste back to the temple.

"Most importantly, find out who he's working for" Maser Windu added in agreement eyes hard and hands folded under his chin as he stared at each of the Jedi addressed in the middle of the room.

"What about Senator Amidala. She will still need protecting" Obi-Wan inquired.

"Handle that your Padawan will" Master Yoda hummed gesturing towards Anakin who stood quietly behind the higher tanking pair of Jedi Knights.

"Master Yoda, if I could suggest myself for the task of protecting the Senator" Lyra objected, hoping that she wouldn't be stuck with Obi-Wan for any longer and instead could spend her time guiding the young Senator.

It wasn't that she didn't like Obi-Wan's company, he was a good Jedi, an even greater man. He held skill and knowledge that would only grow in time she was sure of it, but his incessant need to watch out for her. To ask questions where there had been a deafening silence.

To care.

It wouldn't serve her any favours, she had long lain aside her own desires and subsequent troubles years ago. In favour of following orders and working instead on the suffering of others. To now be faced with the reality of her own existence, her own thoughts, and perhaps more jarringly, everything that lay beyond the boundaries of the Jedi Order and the code itself. Lyra felt it all horrifyingly unnecessary, and Kenobi seemed to be unaware of every single one of those things brought on by his words. That, or he knew and felt no inclination to stop regardless.

"Better suited with Obi-Wan I think you would be, my apprentice" Yoda was not taking no for answer, she could tell by the way his eyes lingered on the bearded Jedi before drifting to her, a stern shift in his tone making her shrink back and retreat on her objection quickly "Much too important his task will be, do complete it alone".

"O-Of course" Bowing her head respectfully in defeat, Lyra prayed silently for no more prying from Kenobi, a futile attempt really "You're right of course, Master Yoda".

"Anakin, escort the senator back to her home planet of Naboo" Mace instructed after that dispute had been settled "She'll be safer there. And don't use registered transport. Travel as refugees".

"As the leader of the opposition, it will be very difficult to get Senator Amidala to leave the capital" Anakin said.

"Until caught this killer is, our judgement she must respect" Master Yoda hummed firmly.

"Anakin, go to the senate and ask Chancellor Palpatine to speak with her about this matter" Master Windu said.

They were excused with no further instructions, bowing before their departure.

"We should investigate the manufacture of the poison dart first" Outside of the Council chamber Lyra turned towards the bearded Jedi after having bided Anakin goodbye while he headed for the Chancellor to ask for his aid and then find Senator Amidala to tell her the news of what had been decided for her. Lyra couldn't imagine Padme would be happy about any of it, to be forced off planet and back home in such a crucial time on Coruscant regarding politics.

Trust in the Force | Obi-Wan KenobiWhere stories live. Discover now