The Wolf

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Boris was chillin. Just another day in the studio. Bendy and Boris were chill now but he still was terrified of Alice. I swear if that ugly bitch comes I wi- andddd Alice came around the corner.


Boris ran as fast has he could. " WAIT BORIS SLOW DOWN!!!" Anddddd *sMack* he bumped into someone. His snout hurt and he rubbed his forehead. It was bendy who was crossing his arms. Bendy or Alice... how about...

Boris shoved bendy out of his way but didn't get far before bendy grabbed Boris by the tail. " YOWWWW" Boris screamed. Bendy whispered something to himself that Boris couldn't understand. "Now Boris. Alice wants to ask you something."  Alice walked over to bendy and Boris. "Boris. I need you to do something."

             [three hours later with Sammy]
This was...frustrating for Sammy. Whenever he saw Bendy he walked away. He just wanted to tell bendy ONE SIMPLE THING. sad. At least Norman was their. But he was annoying as fuck and drinking tea...

And oh boy.

You do NOT want to interrupt Norman drinking tea.

He gets mad.

Really mad.

Really really mad.

But anyway

Sammy wanted to tell bendy that






tHe only thing that keeps them aliVe.


And that's all the food.




Sammah wants his food.

Anyway Sammy decided to just sit on the floor drawing bendy. And that's all he did. Until finally.


Norman spit all his tea in the floor.

"bEndy you broke my dOor. Sammy wined. Bendy looked at the broken door. "Oh. Sorry Sam." Norman stood up. "AND YOU RUINED MY PERFECT TEA BITCH."
Bendy spaces out for a few seconds. "aNyway. Look what Alice has!" Sammy was confused, then he realized. " oMg BENDY ITS BEAUTIFUL" Bendy had an ink sheep in his hands. anD it was alive so bonus. "hOw?" Sammy asked. "Boris. He made it." Sammy never knew that Boris could make such a fine masterpiece. The sheep hoped out of Alice's hands and on Sammy's banjo. Sammy poked the sheep and the sheep viciously snapped at Sammy. He jolted back in shock.

That's all I can type TwT

Bendy x sammy but everyone is stupid (fanfiction) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon