The monster

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the ink demon fell on his knees, sobbing. "Stop acting like a crybaby bendy. Their was nothing here you could care about." Alice said, kicking aside the body. It was Sammy. The demon hugged Sammy, who was barely alive. "M-m-my l-l-lor-d" Sammy mumbled. "Shhhh." Bendy whispered. "Don't worry I'm here prophet." He said, standing up. "Scrap finding the monster. I need Norman and Sammy healed NOW." "Yes bendy. " Alice mumbled rolling her eyes.

  Alice carried Norman and bendy carried Sammy. Sammy just barely alive kept crying, while Norman just screamed. That thing is indestructible. Alice thought to herself. Wonder how he does that. Armless Norman was kicking the angle furiously, but he still didn't talk. Just screaming. Sammy moaned softly, he had more damage done. His chest has been torn apart and his arm seemed to be broken. They trailed blood behind them. Oddly to Alice, bendy was caring Sammy in a gentle way, whispering to him that "it's gonna be ok." And "I'm sorry I failed at protecting you." Meanwhile Alice had Norman over her shoulder like a bratty 8 year old. Norman just continued to scream and kick Alice. Alice didn't mind.

Bendy placed Sammy on a satanic circle. their were many of these, mostly having lost ones or searches on it. Once Boris was on one and Sammy had been on one now three times now. This is Norman's third time to.  Alice only once and no one touches this ink demon.  Anyway, bendy used some magic-ish stuff. He wasn't powerful enough to set Sammy free, but he had enough to heal people. He did Norman quickly, but he spent all the time he could on Sammy. He occasionally wrapped his arms around Sammy's neck, whispering to him hoping he would stay alive. When he brought Sammy out, he was welcomed by Norman screaming. Norman took Sammy out of the Ink Demon's hands and screamed. "Wow Norman." Alice laughed. "Well those brothers can do, that. Bendy I need to talk to you in private."

Bendy and Susie stood in a room. "Bendy I know you have feelings for Sammy, but you can't. You can't show affection for anyone, they will just stab you in the back in the end- literally." "Look we all know what happened to you and Allison. But this is different Susie. I can't stop loving him- it's such a good feeling." Susie sighed. "Look, that's how it felt with me bendy. Allison meant the world to me- another angel! And look what happened." She said reveling her scar. "Don't trust him, bendy. Without you, the studio would be in more hell then it is. We can't afford to lose you buddy." "HAVE YOU SEEN SAMMY? HAVE YOU HEARD HIM YET? HE IS SO INNOCENT AND CUTE! HE IS TO FRAGILE SUSIE!" Susie laughed. "You do love him... just be carful, that's all I'm asking. Last thing we need is you to be heartbroken. Chill. Now I've got to go. Bye bendy" she walked away slowly. Bendy growled. "Oh how much I hate her." He mumbled to himself.

-le time skip-

Sammy was laying on his bed, terrified. It was really late at night, five hours ago was the little incident. Look at me; still traumatized from that one kill. Sammy knew that bendy killed the thing, cradling Sammy in his chest afterwards. Sammy knew what would happen soon. Bendy would come to check on him. It was an hour ago when he usually came, Sammy was worried. Soon the door burst open and bendy came in. "How you doing Sammy?" He asked, wrapping his arm around Sammy's waist. Sammy whined a little and blushed. Bendy pulled him closer. "You don't have to answer" Sammy was crying now, bendy pulled him as close as he could. "Bendy- c-c-can I s-sleep w-with y-you?" Bendy smiled. "Of corse Sammy."

Sammy was brought to a room with a throne on the other side of the studio, bendy carried him the whole time. "M-m-my lord I can walk!" "No Sammy after what you've been through you can't." Sammy blushed the whole time. When they arrived, bendy apologized, "Sorry I only have this throne." "It's ok bendy," Sammy said being carried onto the throne. He rested his head on bendy's shoulder. After a while they were asleep.

"Sammy? Were are you? SAMMY?" No one answered. "Norman? Sammy? Susie?" He ran faster. "SUSIE? NORMAN? SAMMY??" he ran even faster. He opened a door, Norman was their, his head ripped off. "NORMAN!" He screeched. Bendy fell through the floor. "ALICE??!! NO!" Susie's ugly face was ripped off her body. Bendy drowned in ink. Sammy was their, he has bean ripped apart. "You did this to them, bendy." someone said in his ear. "N-no! They are like family to me!" The person stepped out of the shadows. It was himself. "Look what you did to your family. Your friends. Look around, did you want this? Stop loving them, it just weakens you."  "N-NO STOP ITS JUST A NIGHTMARE! NO NO NO THIS WONT HAPPEN I WONT LET IT!" Bendy shives in fear. "STOP IT! STOP IT!" He watched the other bendy toucher Sammy Norman and Susie. "STOP YOUR HURTING MY SAMMY!" Bendy pounced on the other bendy. "STOP IT!"  The other bendy growled. "No." "THEN I WILL MAKE YOU!" He said raising a claw. "NO YOUR GONNA KILL US BOTH STOP!" bendy killed the 'other bendy' he pressed his face against Sammy's "please... stop it." He also brought Norman and Susie over. "Please stop it. Stop I love you guys. Your not allowed to die."

Bendy woke up sweating. He didn't know if it was the heat of Sammy who was sleeping across him or the nightmare. Could be both. He said. His hot ink dripped on to Sammy waking him up. "My lord what is it?" Sammy said half awake.  "Noting Sammy. Go back to sleep." Sammy, still half asleep replied. "Nooooo tell meeee yourrr feelingsssss." He growled. "Talk to meee" Sammy was almost fully awake. This is wrong. Bendy thought. "I'm sorry Sammy." Bendy said. "Stop bendy. I love you to much for you to be sad."  Bendy out his clawed hand over Sammy's mouth.  "Meow~" I guess he's more asleep that I thought.

Norman burst through the entrance. "SAMMY BENDY I NEED YOU NOW." Bendy sighed. Sammy followed bendy out of the room. "What is it Norman?" Bendy asked. Asleep Sammy follows behind rubbing his eyes. "Look he is tired can this wait?" Bendy asked. "NO BENDY. THIS IS EXTREMELY SERIOUS." Bendy rolled his eyes. "Well can you tell us?" Bendy asked. Norman didn't answer.

After awhile, bendy Sammy and Norman arrived at the ink machine. What's so special about this place? Sammy thought, Norman was crying as they approached. "SUSIE TELL ME THAT NOTHING HAPPENED!" Susie put a thumbs up at Norman. She ripped a cloth off a cage. Inside was the monster. "Another one?" Alice shook her head. "It's the same one. You can tell by the-" "DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT ANGLE." Bendy said. "Bendy can you use magic?" Sammy asked. "I- oh yes actually. Good boy Sammy." He said patting Sammy on the head.

Bendy drew a satanic circle on the top of the cage. A magic beam sunk onto the monster trough the top of the cage. Their was loud screaming as the monster turned into ash. "Meh. Not impressed." Alice said. "Yeah me neither." bendy told truthfully. "Yeah that sucked. I'm going somewhere with lots of blood." Norman left. "I'm going with him." Alice left the room. "Um so my lord," "mh?" Bendy mumbled turning his head. "Do you think that thing is alive still?" Bendy chuckled. "Their is no way he survived that thing survived." Sammy nodded. "Come on Sammy. Let's go."

Wow this had 1322 words not counting this end part. That's cool I guess.

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