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Ankita's POV:
                         How much longer should I wait? It is written in his forehead that he loves me. Then what is preventing him from telling it out loud? He has no problem in talking shit but can't say the three words? I'm someone who does things only when it is open and rightful. He sees me as his wife and I'm more than happy about it. But that isn't enough for me. I want a proposal. I waited for him to take the initiative but I don't think it would work even if I keep waiting for a year. I decided to do something by myself.

But when I thought of taking a move, all of a sudden he started ignoring me. He was abroad for days and when he came back, he gave me cold shoulders. I thought he was tired and busy with his work. So I didn't nag him for reasons. I just let him be and waited for him to make time for me.

Then I felt as if he was angry on me.

I don't remember doing anything to anger him. But later I felt like he lost interest on me.

Am I boring now? Or am I no longer beautiful? Or did I put on weight? Perhaps did he get any other woman?

All types of wild thoughts passed my mind. I was happy when he gave me all his attention and continuously teased me. When I was waiting for him to propose, he didn't but started avoiding me. How do I take his behaviour as?

I stood before the mirror and closely examined myself. I could see bags under my eyes as I was not able to sleep properly for a few days. The days he were abroad, his bed accompanied me. But it didn't give me a good sleep.

I cupped my waist to see whether I put on weight. But I'm not so sure about it.

I saw Rishi passing by the corridor and called for him.

"Rishi!" I called out for him.

"Bhabhi!" He came inside the room.

"Rishi do you think I put on weight or that I look a little ugly now?"

"What are you speaking about Bhabhi? Did that Raghav tell anything like that? You look so gorgeous Bhabhi. I don't see even a little fault. You're perfect."

I nodded and turned towards the mirror again. I'm not convinced by his words as I knew it was a little exaggerated.

I went to the kitchen to find Sheela aunty. She might tell me correctly.

"Aunty how do I look right now?" I asked her my voice dull.

"You look beautiful always my dear."

I was still not convinced so I went and asked Mom. And she replied the same.

I could feel anger starting to boil inside me. Everybody says I look beautiful, so what could be his problem?

I've to ask him right away or else my head will burst. I dressed up and drove the car towards his office.

I pushed open the doors of his office and barged inside. As soon as I entered, what I saw there angered me more. His assistant was leaning over him and showing something on the file. She wore a tight skirt and a lace blouse.

On seeing my arrival she excused herself.

"What made you come here Ankita?" Raghav asked me.

Did I disturb you?

"That's not important. Does that girl always lean over you while showing a file?"

"Yeah! Then how else will she show?"

"Oh! Does she always wear such types of clothes?"

"Maybe." He answered.

"Did she accompany you to your business trips abroad?"

"No." I was relieved hearing this.

"What? Are you suspecting your husband now? You don't trust me?" Raghav stood up from his chair and walked towards the front of his table.

"Are you dumb? When did I suspect you? All my questions were about her. I suspect her and not you. If you had a brain you would have known this was jealousy." I shouted at him. I'm no longer going to keep my words to myself. I'm fed up with it.

"Oh are you jealous? But why?"

"My curse word of an husband avoided me for one whole month, spoke only a few words in the entire month but on the other hand some random girl gets to talk so much to him. How can I not be jealous about it?"

He laughed and asked, "curse word of an husband?"

"Yeah? Please be comfortable to fill in with any word you like."

"But tell me why did you take a month to come ask me this?"

I glared at him. "Who the hell knows why in the hell you were avoiding me? You wouldn't know what all thoughts ran in my mind. How do I confront you when I was not confident about myself."

He was silently looking at me for a few minutes.

"Come I'll drive you home."

What? He is not going to answer why he did all that? But looking how he speaks normally, now that I asked him makes me wonder why I didn't do that so far.

We got on the car and drove towards home.

I should have known before, that the ride will be boring. The song which is playing now seems like a woman wailing.

"You want something to eat?" Raghav asked me.

"Sure." I was a little hungry but I felt that would be much better than hearing this song.

He parked the car before a cafe. We ordered two hot coffees and pastries. When they announced that our order was ready, Raghav went and fetched it.

"Wait for a minute. It is too hot." He kept the coffee by his side so that I don't touch it. He blew into it to make it cool.

I was touched by his gesture. He handed me the coffee a little later and I drank it in a few sips.

"I'm used to drinking it super hot. Next time you don't have to do all this." I informed him.

"You think I would do this everytime?

"You wouldn't?" I asked him feigning to be hurt.

"Don't worry. I can't stop myself."

We paid our bill and left the Cafe. The car was parked on the other side of the road as it was a no parking area here.

I walked past the road and out of nowhere, I heard Raghav scream when I was almost to the end.

"Ankitaaaaa. Watch out." I turned to realize a car speeding towards me. I stood there frozen unable to think what to do.

I closed my eyes and was ready for a blow. Should I shout I love you Raghav, before I die?

I opened my eyes to realize that Raghav had ran to me and pushed both of us to the other side.

"Are you okay?" He asked me with concern in his eyes.

"Are you an idiot? What would I have done if the car had hit you? Why did you run to me?" I grabbed his shoulders and yelled, still in shock.

"How would I let you die? You haven't told me yet about your feelings." He spoke giggling.

Woah! This guy drives me crazy. I wanted to grab his shirt and yell at him that I love him so freaking much.
But I decided to save it for a better place and a better time.


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