Message through Massage

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Ankita's POV:

                         Four days and six hours!

It has been four days and six hours since the party. Raghav has been avoiding me since then. If I put together all the words he has spoken to me since then, it wouldn't even make a paragraph of hundred words.

My questions were answered by a nod or shake of his head. I didn't have many questions to ask nor did I have anything to initiate a conversation with.

I seriously thought we became friends after the party. But I guess not. He behaves as if he is some other person and not the Raghav who continuously searched for a chance to mock me.

I want to confront him but I'm not brave enough. Even if I'm brave, first I've to get his attention for it.

So how do I get his attention?

1. Hide and make him curious to know where I am so that he comes searching for me.

2. Hide the things he use daily so that he seeks my help.

3. Go grab his collar and ask him to speak with me.

4. Threaten him with a knife?

I realized my mind getting violent step by step.

I decided to do both the first and the second option just to be sure I get his attention in any one the two.

I hear his car pull up in front of the gate.I hurriedly locked up all the wardrobe doors and hid the key under the bed.

I ran towards the backyard of our home knowing he wouldn't search for me there.

Five minutes over.

Ten minutes over.

Twenty gone.

Thirty done.

Still no call from him. I'm waiting for him to yell my name, hiding in a dark backyard, alone in the middle of the night for more than half an hour.

Yet he doesn't care if his wife was alive or dead.

"Ankitaaaaa." My face lit up for a second until I realized that the call was not from him but it was mom who had called me.

I gave up my attention seeking game and walked towards mom's room.

"Yes Mom." I told as I entered her room. I noticed Raghav sitting in her bed his back facing me.

His shirt was off but he had his white vest on him. The tracks he was wearing was inside the laundry basket of our room for more than two days, if I remember correctly.

So he decided to wear a dirty and stinky tracks rather than asking me for help.

"What are you doing dear?" Mom asked in a tone of complaint.

"Huh?" What is happening? What is he doing here? Moreover what did he tell mom?

"Why is Raghav here?" She asked me.

How will I know?

"I don't know mom. He didn't tell me anything."

"If you gave him all your attention, he wouldn't come to me asking for attention."

Woah!! What is this? I didn't give him attention?

"Why did you come here?" I asked him, but he didn't reply.

"He says he has a head ache and he wants me to give him a massage." Mom told me.

"Hmm. So?" I asked her still confused.

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