Chapter 7

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Author POV

It was finally the day of Sanchita and vijays wedding. Nandini was able to ignore jai for a week. She knew that if her feelings grew more then it will be a problem for her.

On the other side jai was hurt seeing nandini avoid him all the time but he didn't show his feelings. He still couldn't realise what he was feeling.

Saachi was happy that nandini was avoiding jai  but deep down indie of her she knew that jai was hurt by that. Everytime jai looked at nandini, saachi would be starting at jai also....
She wanted jai for herself but she knew that it is possible.

Nandini POV:

I look beautiful not gonna lie

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I look beautiful not gonna lie.....

I went down stairs after I was happy with my look.

The house looks so pretty...

I went to sanchitas room to check on her

I went to sanchitas room to check on her

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Pretty as she can ever be...
Even tho she is younger than me she is already getting married...

And me still can't get over that one sided love towards jai..

Lata Aunty: saachi come here dear, I need help.

Lata Aunty: saachi come here dear, I need help

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She looks ok...just ok cause she can't be more
prettier than me.

Lata: wow you look beautiful.

Saachi: thank you aunty...let me help arrange
those flowers for you.

Miss goody two shoes hmmp.....

She went upstairs with the flower plate and I just walked backwards cause I wanted to see where she puts the flower and I wanted to do something cliché like falling down all of a sudden cause why not.

Authors POV:

Nandini being the dramatic drama queen was walking backwards but she didn't realise that someone else was walking behind her backwards also......

Saachi saw it and was about to warn her when they both collided with each other.

Nandini closed her eyes to feel the pain but realised she never fell...instead a hand was around her waist holding her tight...

She slowly opened her eyes to see who it was and was surprised to see a new face....a handsome one indeed. His features were sharp and his big plum kissable lips were the main attraction.

In shock saachi dropped the flowers on the plate. The flowers slowly fell on top of both of them and didn't realise people were looking at them and everything was slow motion.

They both suddenly heard a thud and came back to reality.

Jai: ahmm! If you both are done with your little drama then come and help us.

Both dusted off the flower from their hair and clothes and just shyly smiled towards each other.

He left after saying those words, angrily.

His reaction didn't go wasted by saachi

Jai POV:

Why did I feel so angry when nandini was in arms of some other men....why did I wish it was me instead of I possibly love her?

Nandini POV:

Nandini: thank you so much uhh?

Him: jimin..

Nandini: thank you so much jimin I would've got my head damaged if you were there..

Jimin: I'm not sure about head damage but I wouldn't definitely let a pretty lady like you fall to ground..

I blushed hearing those words and smiled a little.
He thinks I'm pretty.

Jimin: I'm actually Vijay's best friend and he told me to take care of all the arrangements of the wedding. And I'm also a wedding planner so if you wanted to get married someday contact me.

He said eye smiling cute.

Time skip

Author POV:

The wedding went on peacefully and now Sanchita is officially married to Vijay.

Jimin also went with them. Him and nandini exchanged their numbers to keep in touch in future also.

After changing her clothes nandini went to garden for fresh air.

She saw Something that broke her heart. Saachi and jai hugging each other while saachi cried in his shoulders....

Did he confessed to saachi?

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